A new year generally means the chance to make a fresh start, many people do this through their New Year resolutions, but these can be difficult to keep. However, you’ll find it much easier to focus on the new you if you’ve transformed your home to reflect your new outlook on life!
Transforming your home doesn’t need to cost a fortune; you simply need to know the latest trends and how to implement them. Then you can get on with planning that extreme travel vacation that you’ve always wanted to take.
Purples & Oranges
To be precise, rich purples, flamingo orange, and even vibrant reds will be the ultimate trend in 2019. In fact, anything inspired by the bright and illustrious colors of food should be on your home decoration menu.
Art Deco
This trend has been present in the background for many years, but 2019 will be its turn to take center stage. Add a touch of opulence and glamour to your home with an art deco-themed room.
Black Is Back
In all honesty, black never really goes out of fashion. Although the interior design has moved more towards grays, this year will see a steadfast return to black. But you’ll be looking for the matt black finish, not the glossy black of yesteryear.
Natural Fabrics
This is not a surprising trend. Given that people are becoming more aware of the environment and human impact on the Earth, having a natural streak in your home is more than just desirable; it’s a necessity.
Keep It Clean
Every home should be kept clean, but the latest design trend is to minimize the lines and clutter in your home. This is particularly true for kitchens this year. Fortunately, it doesn’t mean you need to get rid of everything; it just needs to be out of sight!
The Bar Cart
These have already become popular in 2018, and this trend is set to continue through 2019. They aren’t just a style statement; they can actually be useful too!
This is another trend that boomed in 2018 and will continue in 2019. In short, swaddle a space and make it cozy and luxurious; it will become your favorite space in your home.
While everyone would love to have a pile of real gold in their home, that’s not usually possible. However, gold and other metallic finishes will be making a huge comeback in 2019. It’s an easy effect to add with a few small touches and can transform any room.
Bring the Outdoors In
This is becoming an increasingly popular trend, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing through 2019. A few strategic plants will give you the feeling of being outside when you’re actually inside. That’s all it takes.
Keep It Personal
The final trend that you need to add to your home is simple. Add a few personal, sentimental touches to each room in your home; just don’t add enough to make it cluttered.
Doing this won’t just help you to keep up with the interior design trends of 2019; it will also turn your house into a home.