10 Tips For A Stress-Free Moving Experience


Stress-Free Moving Tips

Are you moving to a new house across the state with your family? Or perhaps you’re moving to a new home all by yourself? Moving to your new-bought house or apartment is one of the most significant events in your adult life. It can be an exciting life transition, especially if you’re moving to a new house that you bought and can finally call your own.

Others may also have other reasons for moving homes, such as upgrading from their old house, moving in with their partner, moving to a home that’s closer to their new job, or changing their lifestyle or surrounding area. While moving to a new place is an exciting experience, the moving procedure itself has a reputation for being a stressful and overwhelming process, regardless of your reason for moving.

If you put it this way, it’s like packing up your entire life in boxes and bringing all of it to a new place. Packing “your entire life” is not exactly something small that can be done in a day, like packing for a weekend trip. Getting all your things together can be stressful and can take days or even weeks. Thus, many people consider moving a not-so-fun experience.

Aside from being a stressful activity, it can also disrupt your life’s schedule. Imagine you have to set aside at least half of your day for packing and organizing. Packing up your things can also be an emotional process, especially when you’re feeling sentimental, which adds to this activity’s anxiety.

Stress-Free Moving Experience

While many people would agree that moving is indeed stressful, there are ways to make your moving experience less troublesome and allow you to enjoy the moment. Read on below for ten tips to help you have a stress-free moving experience:

  1. Manage Your Time Wisely

No one can control time, but you can always manage it. When it comes to moving, time allocation is essential. The less time you give to yourself for packing and preparing, the more you’re at risk of forgetting things and becoming more anxious than ever. As much as possible, give yourself at least eight to twelve weeks to plan everything, including your target timeline and your chosen packing services.

Choosing a professional mover company may also need time as you may need to make sure they cater to the certain area where you’re moving and are fully equipped to handle long moves and anything in between. You will also have to negotiate with them about the scheduled time and date of your moving day. Overall, everything can be done with less stress and hassle if you give yourself enough time to do everything carefully.

  1. Create A Checklist

Once you and your family have set a final timeline as to which day you will start packing until the day of moving, it’s time you create a checklist. Create a list of all the tasks you’ll need to do for the next eight weeks of your moving preparations. This eight-week plan may serve as your guide each week on which area of the house or which items you may need to start packing. This checklist will help keep you on track and make sure you won’t miss anything during your packing preparations.

  1. Declutter Your Home

Before you proceed with the packing and organizing of your items, start by decluttering your home first. Decluttering and clearing your home will allow you to assess all the items you own and see which ones are necessary or unwanted. This way, you can only prioritize the things that you find useful for your move. This will also save you time and effort from packing up stuff that would end up only useless by the time you arrive at your new home.

You can also check each item or piece of furniture if they’re too old or too big to pack. If you have things that you don’t need anymore, you may choose to donate them to a local charity or put them up for a bargain sale. This will help lessen your items and boxes to carry to your new home.

  1. Get All The Packing Supplies You’ll Need

It’s finally time to start packing. To make the process a lot easier and quicker, get all the packing materials you’ll need. Since you’re going to be packing an entire house, you’ll need lots and lots of boxes, old newspapers, old rags, packaging tapes, scissors, markers, and colored paper. The more equipped you are for the packing, the faster you’ll get everything done in eight weeks.

  1. Have A Packing Central

Aside from getting all the packing supplies prepared, designate an area in your house and turn it into a packing center. This is where you’ll have to spend your packing hours. This way, you won’t be causing any unsightly litter in your living room or bedroom, which will only cause you stress. When you have a packing center, you’ll know which area to go to when it’s time to do some packing for the day. This is also where you bring the items that you’ve scheduled to pack for that week.

  1. Pack Other Items According To Category

To stay organized during your packing process, it’s best to pack items according to category. For instance, when packing the kitchen, you can pack all your kitchen knives in one box and your mixers in another container. Then, as always, label them to make it easier to recognize these boxes. The same goes for the items you have in the bedroom. You can pack all the pillows and blankets in one box and pack your bedside lamps and other similar furniture in another package. It’ll be easier to unpack these items all at once when you’ve arrived in your new home.

  1. Don’t Forget To Label Everything

Once you’ve done packing a specific room or a particular item, don’t forget to label the boxes. Failing to label your boxes may cost you big time once you start unpacking in your new home. However, simply labeling your boxes with markers can also be a hassle during the unpacking stage of your moving day, especially if the boxes you’re using all look the same in size, shape, and color. It might take you a long time to locate certain boxes and find your desired one if you’re unsure what is held within.

To save you time and energy, you can utilize color-coded boxes or color-coded tapes and label them as well. For instance, you can use green-colored tape for your daughter’s items that belong in her bedroom. This way, it’ll be easier for you to look for green-colored tape when it’s time to unbox her items. Make sure you keep an inventory list of the meanings of each color for your future reference.

  1. Pack All Fragile Items Together

While it’s been suggested that you pack all the things in one room in the same boxes, as much as possible, avoid mixing your fragile items with the non-breakable ones. Combining the fragile ones with the sturdy ones will put your glassware at high risk of breaking during moving and travel. Some of the fragile items you need to reserve in separate boxes include dishes, framed artworks, plates, glasses, mirrors, breakable trophies, and other things that can easily be destroyed with hard-impact movements. If you want, you can have these boxes transported by your car to make sure they’re not stacked beneath the rest of the packages in the mover company’s vehicle.

  1. Ask Your Professional Mover Company About Their List Of Prohibited Items

Every mover company has its list of prohibited items to be loaded in their trucks, but most of them follow the same list. To save yourself time and energy in packing items that would turn out to be prohibited and therefore cannot be brought with you on a moving day, it’s best to ask them for a list of these items ahead of time as well as any other vital information you may need to know.

Some prohibited items may include:

  • Batteries
  • Aerosols
  • Gallons of gasoline
  • Matches
  • Lighter
  • Liquid Bleach
  • Fertilizer
  • Pesticides
  • Commercial Cleaning products

This is normal for the professional mover’s company to implement this rule. They only want to make sure that everything inside their moving vehicles is safe and non-flammable.

  1. Have Each Member Of The Family Pack Their Suitcase

Aside from packing your entire home in boxes, have each member of the household pack their suitcase. This suitcase must be filled with items that each of you will need as soon as you arrive at your new home. Some of these things include toiletries, clothes, eyeglasses/contact lenses, chargers, cellphones, laptops, shoes, medications, bedding, basic kitchen essentials, and other essential items for your daily living. Make sure these things can last for at least one to two weeks.

Naturally, you won’t go into unpacking right away on the same day as soon as you arrive at your new place. Thus, you’re going to need these things to help you get through your first day and night in your new house without having to roam around, unboxing random boxes, hoping to find the toothbrush that you’ve packed somewhere.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have these tips in mind to help you in your moving endeavors, you can take a deep breath, relax, and get started. As always, take everything step by step and do a little bit each day. Trust your planned timeline, and take your time. Don’t rush yourself so much that you might lose your sanity.

You might not even notice that you’re done with the whole packing activity. When you’ve moved into your new house, keep in mind that it’ll also take some time before your mind can fully wrap up the idea that this is your family’s new home to decorate and settle in. So, breathe and enjoy the process.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. Doing a little decluttering before moving to a new house really does make a lot of sense. That way, when all is said and done, you have a lot fewer items to take into account when it comes to packing and carrying your items. I’ll make sure this is something that we properly handle as soon as we find a shipping and moving company we can hire.



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