The roof is one of the essential exterior parts of the house. It is often neglected so much that repair is done on it only when it starts leaking, and it is replaced only when it looks very old and worn out.
A vital part of taking care of one’s roof is choosing a roofing style that is suitable for your house before installation. A roofing style improves the beauty and visibility of a home. There are different roofing styles in existence, and most of the time, those roofing styles are used in a particular region for essential reasons.
Moreover, a roofing style may be peculiar in a region, county, or state because of the climatic condition of that place. Therefore, while choosing a suitable roofing style for your house, you should have the climatic condition of your environment in mind, and of course, you should look at your budget.
There are various types of roofing styles; it is vaguely estimated that up to sixty-three different roofing styles are in existence. So, you should not be limited when choosing a roofing style for your house. Out of those sixty-three different roofing styles, this article will list and explain three of the roofing styles that are recently trending. Their advantages, disadvantages, and the best climate for them will also be explained. Let’s get started.
Three trending roofing styles you should choose for your roof.
Curved Roofing Style:
This is a contemporary roofing style that began when horse rearers started feeling the need to maximize their roofing space to save up as much hay as they could. It started back in the days of sports racing and the days when the number of horses one owns shows how wealthy he or she is. This roofing style has continued to be the most modern and unique because of its peculiar shape. The metals used in making it are flexed and bent into a big curve that circles the entire house. When installed, the curved roofing style makes your home stand out and may turn into a tourist center for homeowners who would want to replicate the style. Thankfully, the curved roofing style is not restricted to any region or climatic condition, and it is easy to maintain. It also provides extra space for storage, light, and ventilation. It is, however, disadvantageous because it is expensive to install.
Open Gable Roofing Style:
This is the most common roofing style that is used in recent times. You know that roof that is usually drawn in children’s alphabet books when they are taught that ‘H’ is for ‘House,’ that’s the gable roofing style. It is not a new roofing style, but it made it to this list because it doesn’t seem to be fading out of trend anytime soon. Its exterior is easy to draw (perhaps that’s the reason why children draw it when they are asked to draw a house), but architects and roofers will affirm that it is the most complex of roofing styles. Simply put, the gable roofing style looks like a long triangular roofing style. Like a triangle, its two sides have their highest points at a central position, and then the two sides slope downwards. However, like a pyramid, that pivotal point runs like a line down the length of the house. Its sloped two sides help for rainwater to run off quickly. The gable roofing style is known for being suitable for hot and cold weather. Except it is easily damaged by strong wind and hurricanes, but which roof stays strong in the face of a mighty hurricane? Also, the gable roofing style does not make room for any extra illumination.
Butterfly Roofing Style:
Like the curved roofing style, the butterfly roofing style is a roofing style that, when installed in your house, will make your home stand out. Like its name, this roofing style looks like the wings of a butterfly. Its two extreme edges are slanted and flying out like a butterfly’s wings. These flying edges, however, slant inwards until they meet at a central valley. It is also called the “V” roofing style because it is shaped like the letter “V.” It doesn’t usually have drainage because rainwater runs off in the valley. It is also called an inverted pitch roof.
In conclusion, there are more than fifty roofing styles in existence, but this article highlights only three because these are the ones that are trending. Try not to limit yourself when choosing a roofing style for your house. However, it is good that you remember to take your climate and budget into consideration while making this choice.