3 Things You Can Do If the Water In Your Neighborhood Is Not Pure


If you live in a neighborhood that consumes water from wells, there’s a high chance of drinking impurities. This is more so true if the water is not tested on a yearly basis. The Environmental Protection Agency is answerable for the quality of municipal water and not water from private wells.

Well-water is a collection of rainwater, snow and other runoff water that seeps underground. The water may look clean, but it has micro-bacteria and other harmful substances such as minerals and pesticides. When you consume such contaminated water, it may cause health concerns immediately or in the long run.

Well-water is a more affordable source of water in the USA today. Currently, according to the Penn State Extension, more than 15% of the State’s population consume well water for all their domestic use. Below are the three crucial steps to take if you notice your neighborhood water is unclean.

  1. Pure Water Begins With You

Pure Water

Unclean water in the wells runs from the drainage systems, the lawns, gardens and runoff rainwater. To protect the water from further contamination, keep off pesticides and plant indigenous plants instead. These can tolerate the weather without the use of herbicides.

When you use chemicals on your lawns, the rain washes them off to the nearest water collection area, where they seep through to the underground wells. Clean water is everybody’s responsibility, and it starts with you. That’s why it’s critically important to collect after a dog’s litter and prevent the muck from dispensing in the water catchment areas.

  1. Contact the Local Water Testing Agency

Water Testing

When you have done your part in keeping the environment safe from water hazards, contact the nearest water testing agent. You may also opt to buy a water self-test kit at this point. The package has many strips that react when there are impurities in the water. Though this will confirm the presence of contaminants, it’s limited in the number of pollutants it can identify.

A professional water testing agent will check all the water impurity causes and offer remedial procedures. If it’s the municipal water, contact the number that comes with the bill so they can look into the issue immediately.

  1. Use a Water Purifier

Crucial Home Water Purification Systems

The EPA ensures that the municipal water from the tap is ready for drinking. If you suspect impurities, there’s a high possibility the water you’re consuming is from the wells. As the water seeps through soil and rock, it picks up a lot of minerals and bacteria.

A funny taste is a result of accumulated metals or harmful chemicals. Using a water purifier such as Soma helps rid the water of chemicals, minerals and kills harmful bacteria. Check out this comprehensive list of water filters for your home and arrest the worry of consuming unclean water.


Making use of a water purifier is effective and kills off harmful bacteria as it sieves sediments and minerals. You should also take a step further and inform water testing agencies of the situation so that they can remedy the problem for everyone.

Further, your responsibility in keeping the environment safe contributes to the quality of water that ends up the wells.

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Himanshu Shah
Himanshu Shah is the chief marketing officer at MyDecorative.Com, and he is also a young enthusiastic writer who is gumptious and talented. He has sound analytical and technical skills. He is a blogger, Digital Marketing Expert who likes to write on home decor.


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