5 Pro Tips For Cleaning Stucco Exteriors


Cleaning Stucco Exteriors

Aside from the aesthetic benefits of stucco, there are many other valuable advantages for homes like its energy efficiency, fire resistance, and low maintenance. Some homes add stucco exteriors to boost their home value and allow you to apply for home insurance premiums. However, such sidings need to be maintained every now and then, and cleaning them is the most effective way to retain their pristine condition.

To ensure that your home exteriors won’t decay and would last through the harsh conditions of different weather changes, it’s crucial to clean them regularly. The task can be pretty challenging on its own. Whether you’re weighing between doing the job yourself or hiring cleaning experts, it’s imperative to know some valuable pro tips in cleaning stucco exteriors.

Here are some ways to effectively clean your stucco surfaces: 

  1. Use Pressure Washing Services

Pressure Washing Services

With a pressure washer, you can clean your stucco exteriors more quickly and less laboriously than with a garden hose. The pressure that comes with it is enough to reach out into all stucco surfaces of your home, getting rid of all debris, molds, and bacterial properties.

Ideally, you should use a pressure washer with a minimum of 1500 psi when cleaning stucco. Be careful about the distance between the nozzle and the finish to avoid damaging it. Before conducting a pressure washing service, ensure that the nearby plants and garden beds are safely covered or tucked away.

Whether you’ll do the power washing yourself or go for pressure washing services, here are some insightful tips:

  • Begin by washing down the surfaces.
  • The pressure washer detergent tank should contain the cleaning solution to be mixed with water while cleaning stucco.
  • Control the level of pressure washing and the angle of the nozzle. The pressure washer nozzle should be pointed downward at the siding to not drive water beneath or behind the siding.
  • Ensure that the detergent is washed off so the stucco won’t dry the soap. Rinse the stucco thoroughly from top to bottom and from left to right. This will ensure clean surfaces. 
  1. Repair Cracks On Stucco

Temperature variations often cause minor cracking in stucco and paint during seasonal changes. This is unavoidable, and no plaster is exempted from experiencing small cracks. In unfortunate cases, there are also small holes when there have been direct impacts on the sidings.

Before starting on a professional cleaning session, it’s essential to fill all the cracks and holes. Use a waterproof acrylic caulk that’s paintable. Another option is to use elastomeric paint. Go for one that comes with a thicker consistency to cover the cracks effectively.

Before washing your stucco surface, ensure that all cracks have been repaired. While some cracked surfaces are possible to fix by yourself, it’s preferred to have an expert fix the more significant cracks. Check for some valuable resources to do the stucco fixing by yourself. But in cases of severe damage, it may be best to seek professional assistance. 

  1. Remove Molds

Even stucco sidings are also susceptible to molds. Apply an anti-mold solution with a soft brush or sponge to remove molds. Apply some tips for mold removal and remediation. It’s key to remove these properties before cleaning and to wash the entire stucco.

Let the solvent soak for at least an hour before finally rinsing it. The solution should be reapplied using the same method for best results. Check the surfaces a day after and see whether all molds have been removed. 

  1. Use Cleaning Solutions

Knowing what solution to use when cleaning stucco stains is essential. This is especially important when you have painted stucco sidings. You don’t want to use harsh chemicals that may affect their quality, but you won’t want to use super mild cleaning solutions that can remove dirt and grime. There are some DIY cleaning solutions to use around your home, and you’ll be surprised as to how effective they can be.

Dish soap and water can be mixed to remove stains. However, if there are stubborn grimes, it’s best to use bleach mixed with water. Alternatively, bleach and a concentrated stain remover can be used. Home improvement stores sell these types of cleaners. Check the label carefully before using it. Bleach is effective against mold and bacterial growth.

Ensure to use safety gear when dealing with chemicals and cleaning solutions. The next step is to apply the cleaning solution. Without a pressure washer, you can use a garden hose and spray the water and solution first before scrubbing the surfaces and finally rinsing them with water. 

  1. Scrub Thoroughly But Gently

Depending on the cleaning solutions or methods you use, scrubbing is only an optional tip. There are stucco cleaners that are strong enough to get rid of stains and debris all on their own, but there are some cases where scrubbing is necessary. To clean the fragile stucco surface, use a soft-bristled cleaning brush. Be mindful of the painted surfaces, so brush only one stroke and one movement. 


Houses that use stucco sidings are relatively growing, and it’s understandable due to their many benefits. Nevertheless, it must be maintained and cared for just like any other siding material. You need to take care of the stucco if you want it to last. Therefore, apply the tips mentioned in this article and find yourself a reliable stucco cleaning contractor to help you.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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