5 Things You Should Mind When Watching A Game With Kids


If you are going to watch a baseball game with your kids, you need to take extra precautions. No, we are not saying that bringing your kids with you is a bad idea or will ruin your experience. Instead, it’s your careless attitude that will do it for you. So, consider the following tips and keep it from happening.

  1. The Sleep Tank

Dodgers Suites

When you plan on attending a game, you need to mind the naptime and bedtime for your kids. You have to adjust their schedule to coordinate with the event. Just avoid attending something too close to your child’s bedtime. You can mind a few hours, but anything that puts you off track for 3-4 hours is not worth the trouble.

You won’t like to read this, but you are better off skipping that particular event. School is more important for your child than the game. If you must attend the game and want some accommodation for your kid’s needs, you might want to buy tickets to a Dodgers Box.

  1. Food

Food At Event

You need to bring along the snacks your kid enjoys. This doesn’t mean you have to shy away from the stuff available at the event. This is all part of your game experience. You can munch on snacks or have a proper meal if you like.

Just remember if your local stadium allows outside snacks or beverages. You need to check beforehand, or else you will embarrass yourself in front of a crowd.

  1. The Seating Arrangement

Seating Arrangement

If you have kids with you, then embrace the mindset that you won’t stay in your seat for a long time. You will have to visit the children’s place area so you can keep an eye on them. To do this, you will have to change your viewpoints from time to time.

If you are watching Baseball, you will have some time on hand because this game doesn’t permit a break or two. It doesn’t continuously go on for hours like football.

  1. Plan Your Entrance And Exit

Event Entrance

It seems easy at first, but finding your seats when your little ones are beside you is nothing short of a challenge. Therefore, mind the following things:

  • Will You Drive?
  • Will You Use Public Transport?
  • Where are you going to the Park?
  • How will you get from Parked Care to Stadium?

You might have to carry your kid on your back and walk to the stadium. Don’t bring a stroller, as stairs, tight spaces, and aisles won’t allow it.

  1. Research The Stadium

Research the Stadium

Once you get the event calendar, you need to go to the stadium website and call them to find out what amenities they offer for their little guests. This is very important, as it can make or break your experience.

If this is your first time watching a game at the stadium, you need to find details about the children’s play area. You also need to know which seating areas accommodate kids better than others. A little research goes a long way.

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Jinally is a co-editor at MyDecorative.Com. She is a role model, especially in Social media Optimization in business and primary tasks, with an understanding of communicating and executing all activities related to referral searches. She works closely with the team and looks after the quality and growth of off-site factors like Social Media Marketing that drive referral growth. In addition, she analyses and creates strategic recommendations for social media promotions.


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