No matter the choice of plants, vegetables, or flowers, gardening is not as easy as most people assume. Maintaining a healthy and thriving garden requires some previous preparation, research, know-how, and practice. This is why most people prefer to rely on the professional services of a gardening company in Manchester, which can provide everything necessary for the successful growth of any plant.
But even with the help of the experts, there are some basic facts that all garden enthusiasts should be familiar with.
Maintaining a healthy and thriving garden requires some previous preparation, research, know-how, and ac infinity practice.
In this article, we’ll answer some of the most popular gardening questions people have. By having the answers, you’ll have the necessary confidence to tackle any gardening problem like a professional.
Is It Better To Plant After Or Before It Rains?
The recommendation is to focus on planting new plants when the soil is dry. In this condition, it’s much easier to manipulate the soil and work with it according to your needs. When planting in wet soil, there’s also a chance of the seeds rotting. For best results, plant the seeds when the soil is dry and then water them or let natural rain hydrate the soil.
Is Fairy Liquid Good For Cleaning Plants?
Although you may see Fairy Liquid being recommended for use on plants, the reality is that it’s not a good idea to use it as it can be dangerous and damaging for them. The product contains fatty acid salts, which are toxic to plants. They can have a long-term negative effect and can destroy them.
Liquid Fairy is mainly suggested as a cure for aphid infestations—however, other, more convenient, and safe methods to try against these pests.
Are Grubs Dangerous For Potted Plants?
Yes, grubs are bad for potted plants. They can destroy the plants completely as they tend to feed off the root system. The problem will get worse during warm weather as the grub eggs quickly hatch, and the plants don’t have much chance of survival.
Are Mice A Problem For Potted Plants?
Without a doubt, mice can be extremely dangerous for plants. They can destroy the leaves and roots, resulting in an unsightly garden. There are several methods you can try to solve this problem. You can cover the potted plants with protective cages or other types of shielding like nets, cloth, and more. You can also use smells like cinnamon, vinegar, clove oil, peppermint, mint toothpaste, ammonia, cloves, and cayenne pepper which are all scents that mice hate.
How Long Can You Store Rainwater For Plants?
Water attracts a number of different bacteria and species when it’s not filtered and stands still for larger periods of time. It’s believed that rainwater is good for plants for about a week, after which it can become contaminated.
Should Yellow Leaves Be Removed?
If possible, yes, it’s recommended to remove yellow leaves from plants. They’re usually considered dead or diseased leaves. By cutting them, you can prevent any diseases from spreading to the other green leaves, and you can keep your plants looking strong and healthy.
Can Mouldy Potting Mix Be Used For Gardening?
Mould and fungi naturally live in most organic gardening mixes, even if you don’t see them with the naked eye. Considering this, it’s safe to use mouldy potting mix for your plants.
If you’re a beginner in gardening, it’s completely natural to have a ton of questions and doubts on how to keep your plants healthy and safe. We hope that these answers given by professional gardeners will fill in some of the gaps and will help you gain more confidence and give gardening a try. Enjoy a healthy garden, outstanding results, and beauty in your outdoor space.