7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Stainless Steel


Commercial Building

Everywhere people go, there is one metal alloy that is always present. This is no other than stainless steel, which is the main element of metal watch straps, braces, utensils, fridges, ovens, bikes, jewelry, and so many other stuff. All these things are important and essential stuff that people use daily. Pause for a bit of learning about the importance of this famous but taken-for-granted alloy. Because every single person on Earth benefits from this product, here are seven mind-blowing facts about stainless steel that everyone should know about:

  1. There Are Two Kinds

Two kinds of stainless steel are commonly used, as noted by Miami Stainless, a popular alloy supplier. There is 304 condition B, which is the most common grade that is a domestic alloy used for decoration. It can come highly polished, raw, or brushed in texture. Then there is 316 stainless steel which is used for lab equipment, airplane parts, boat trimming, sanitation equipment, metal containers, and the like. This type is stronger because it can undergo heat and other chemical reactions without getting destroyed easily.

  1. Most Common Used Metal in Construction

This metal alloy is one of the most used metals in the construction of buildings because it is resistant to stains and rust. This means it will stand the test of time, making it the perfect frame and structural support for many projects. The high chromium content makes these qualities possible.

  1. Fun Inventor Trivia

Stainless steel was discovered by Harry Brearley of Sheffield, United Kingdom. He is credited for inventing the first pure rustless steel with 12.8 percent of chromium. He added this element to molten iron to produce a type of metal that was resistant to rust. Ernest Stuart from Shanghai Metal is credited for coining the term “stainless steel.” It was dubbed a stainless because it is resistant to rust.

  1. It Deodorizes

Stainless steel can deodorize, and here’s how that works. It takes out the stench from garlic and onions when they linger in people’s hands after chopping. The chemistry of onions, garlic, and stainless steel is rather interesting. When handling these smelly things that contain the sulfur molecule, they transfer to the skin. Washing the hands with water will not work at all because it just intensifies the smell as it turns the sulfur into sulfuric acid. However, if these hands touch stainless steel, the molecules in the steel bind with the sulfur, easily eradicating the smell from the hands. Aside from garlic and onions, stainless steel is also credited with taking out a fish smell.

  1. Highly Ductile

Stainless steel can be stretched, and it can be made into a very thin long wire. Its ability to be pliant and easily manipulated, unlike other metals, makes it a vital ingredient for crafting other products. To illustrate, stainless steel threads are utilized for making touch screen gloves with the primary reason for the metal’s conductivity. This video gives additional helpful tidbits for making use of thin stainless steel threads. Some high-fashion designers utilize these stainless steel wiring threads into their clothing to serve as support or decoration. People’s eyes are attracted to shiny shimmering objects, after all.

  1. It’s Recyclable

Perhaps people do not think about it, though it is quite obvious that stainless steel is the most recycled material on the planet. It is one hundred percent recyclable and can be reused to make many other things. The recycling of scrap metals can cut air and water pollution. Manufacturing plants should be consistent in their recycling efforts for a better environment. On top of that, recycling makes the manufacturing of these products more cost-efficient.

  1. It Can Corrode

Stainless steel is more resistant to the issue of corrosion compared to other types of metal like carbon steel or iron rods. However, in some circumstances, it can indeed slowly corrode. For instance, sending electrical pulses through a stainless steel wire changes the color of the outer covering due to the oxidation of the metal inside.

Metalworking is a fun and exciting concept that people should never take for granted because these metals are used and enjoyed daily. There are many technical details and other interesting trivia about different metal types, which are available online. Reading up on them should make for an interesting afternoon because learning is always fun.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. Thank you, Mr. Himanshu, in giving us a complete insight into the facts about stainless steel. It is impressive to know the different ways that stainless steel can be used and also what are the typical kinds that are useful. Reviewing the characteristics of the metal through your words is very commendable.


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