7 Things You Must Do Before Moving Day


Moving To A New Home

Moving away from the place you once called home can be one of the hardest things you must do. Whether moving to accommodate your growing family in a more charming and affordable city or just moving for a new job, settling in your new home, especially in a different city, can be hard.

Fairfield, Maine, is a good example of a small city with a suburban feel. It is a popular place to live, with a population of over 6,000 people and a median home value of $231,763. This can appeal to families who want more room than what bigger, more crowded cities provide for the same amount of money while also being a good place for kids.

But before you go, there’s a lot to consider. You’ll be surprised at how much you didn’t know needed to be done before the big move. So, to help you get going, we’ll talk about the seven things you must do before moving day to ensure a successful move.

  1. Declutter And Organize

When your home is decluttered and organized beforehand, it can make packing up so much easier. With the clutter gone, you can focus on packing what you need, preventing overpacking. And when it’s all organized, boxes can be packed categorically and more efficiently.

That said, you can’t discard or give away everything that has no place in your new home. And as you’re planning your move to Fairfield, you may be wondering what to do with these belongings you don’t want to get rid of. If you don’t have enough space in your new home or need a place to store your belongings for a short period, a storage unit Fairfield offers can be a convenient and affordable option.

Fairfield has many storage facilities, so you’ll find one that meets your needs. You can choose from various sizes and types of units and even rent a climate-controlled unit if you need to store temperature-sensitive items.

  1. Notify Relevant Parties

Before you start your new life, there’s one thing you might need to do to avoid any trouble: notifying relevant parties of your move. This could mean your landlord, utility companies, insurance providers, etc.

Contact your landlord to discuss move-out procedures, key returns, and all the necessary paperwork. Notify your service providers, such as electric, water, gas, internet, and cable, of your relocation and make sure they cancel your services from your old home and set them up at your new one if needed.

  1. Change Your Address

When you’ve moved in and settled into your new home, you don’t want all your mail and bills forwarded to your old address. To avoid the hassle later on, make sure you officially change your address with your bank, credit card companies, and postal services.

With this simple step, you can avoid delays or problems receiving important documents, bills, or subscriptions during and after your move.

  1. Hire A Moving Company Or Truck

If you’re permanently moving to a new residence, whether just a couple of blocks down or across the country, you’ll need help. A moving company would be an all-in-one solution for your packing and transporting needs.

If you think you have enough time and energy to do it all yourself, that’s fine too, but you’ll still need to book a moving truck and other necessary equipment to ensure all your belongings arrive safely and on time.

  1. Arrange Child And Pet Care

If you have children or pets who require attention and care, you’ll want someone trustworthy to keep an eye on them so they stay out of the way when it’s time to move. Moving day can get a little dangerous with heavy boxes and people moving in and out, so protecting your little ones is important.

It would be smart to leave the kids with their grandparents or another trusted caregiver nearby the night before the move and keep your pets at a reliable pet boarding service. This will help you concentrate more on the moving tasks without needing to worry about the well-being of your little ones.

  1. Secure Important Documents

During a big move, it’s easy for things to get damaged or misplaced. So, before starting anything major, ensure your important documents are safe and secure. These could be medical records, school records, financial paperwork, and other essential documents.

Set aside a designated folder or box and keep all your important paperwork in there. You could even label the folders and boxes to identify where each document is placed. For more security, keep this folder or box with you when you move instead of packing it with all your other stuff. This way, you’ll have easy access to it if needed, and you prevent any risk of loss or damage during the move.

  1. Clean Up Your House

Once you’re deep into the packing stage of your move, you’ll realize it takes up most of your time. But as tired as you might be, it’s no excuse to neglect cleaning your home. You want it in perfect condition in the end, whether you need your security deposit back or need to show the home to potential buyers. By deep cleaning your home in advance, the final cleaning on the big day will feel much less overwhelming.

To stay on top of it, ensure you have all your cleaning supplies. You can even seize the opportunity to use up any nearly empty cleaning products, saving you the hassle of carrying them to your new place.


To sum it up, you want moving day to be stress-free and positive, not chaotic and overwhelming. Although you might face a couple of challenges here and there, by following the above tips, you can make your move day a successful one.

Above all, try to relax and enjoy the last few days in your old home and make as many memories as you can. Take lots of pictures and spend time with the loved ones you’ll be leaving behind. With all the important tasks tackled, there’s no harm in having a little downtime. You can then move to your new home on a positive note and embrace your new life ahead.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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