4 Important Safety Tips When Using Your Residential Elevator


A residential elevator can be a valuable addition to a home. It can make it easier for you to move between different floors. It can be of immense help if you have a disabled or older person at home. As convenient it is, an elevator comes with many safety concerns. Make sure to follow all the essential safety tips to ensure that you always benefit from using your elevator.

  1. Proper Elevation Installation

Hybon Elevators And Escalators

The most important safety tip is to ensure that your elevator is installed correctly. Invest in a high-quality lift that lasts longer and runs reliably. This also means you should choose an experienced and fully-licensed elevator contractor. Some of the critical features of a properly installed elevator include the following:

  • It should have low steps
  • There should be a non-slip floor
  • No lip to allow easy entry/exit
  • The doors should be code compliant
  • There should be built-in grab bars
  • Rechargeable batteries or alternative power supply in case of a power outage

The contractor should also provide maintenance services to ensure that your elevator stays in top condition. Choose a contractor that is located close so that they can send a maintenance specialist at short notice.

  1. Use Elevator Carefully

Use Elevator Carefully

Make sure to always access the elevator carefully. Any lack of attention can mean falls and injuries. Follow these safety tips when using your elevator:

  • Watch your steps when you enter. This will prevent you from tripping and falling
  • Once inside the elevator, stay away from the doors.
  • Always hold onto the handrail when inside.
  • Exit the elevator only when the doors are completely open.

Make sure that the elevator and the floor line up correctly every time. You can ensure this by watching your step every time you get off. If they are not aligned, you should call the repair technician.

  1. Maintain Proper Weight Limits

Residential Elevators

Residential elevators are different from commercial ones in terms of their weight capacities. Make sure to follow the weight limits when transporting items such as luggage or laundry. If you have lots of stuff, there is no harm in taking multiple trips. It is also important to safely remove the items when the elevator comes to a halt.

The most commonly used residential elevators have weight limits ranging from 1,000 lb to 6,000 lb. They are both smaller in size and weight capacity compared to commercial elevators. If the elevator is overloaded, it can result in cables breaking or the doors failing to close.

  1. Install A Phone Inside The Elevator

Install A Phone Inside The Elevator

A phone inside an elevator can prove to be a valuable thing in times of an emergency. You cannot always carry a cell phone with you. And if you are stuck in the elevator without a cell phone, having a phone inside it can prove to be quite useful in getting help.

If you get stuck in the elevator, do not try to open the door yourself. The safest thing to do is to call for help. In trying to pry the door open, you are more likely to damage it. Also, teach your children how to call for help if they are stuck in the elevator.

You should also learn about all the emergency features if the elevator stops between floors. Make sure there is an alarm button that is easily accessible for adults and children. The alarm should alert your elevator operator so that they will send their personnel.

There are many more safety tips to follow when using your elevator. It would help if you pushed the buttons only once when selecting the desired floor. It would be best if you didn’t try to open/close the doors quicker than their average speed. It is also essential to avoid using the elevator in case of a fire. Use the stairs to exit your home as quickly as you can.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. I found it really interesting that you should install a phone in your elevator. I don’t own an elevator, but I would always want to be safe in an emergency. I will be sure to install a phone in an elevator if I am ever put in charge of that!

  2. I’m grateful you stating that one should consider the weight capacity of the lift. My dad wants to install a home elevator for my grandmother. I will advise him about this since she loves doing her own laundry.

  3. It’s great that you mentioned how important it is to inspect and maintain an elevator. In my grandmother’s house, a few months she got an elevator installed. And the other day, she mentioned it took longer to work. I think elevators are complex and dangerous machines, and it’ll be better for a professional to inspect them. I appreciate you helping me learn more about residential elevator safety practices. https://annualelevatorinsp.com/home-elevator-inspections


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