Why TOTO CST744SL Drake 2-Piece ADA Toilet Is Best Fit For Your Washroom?



TOTO toilets are known for their high quality and premium manufacturing and designs. Sanitary ware from TOTO has been in the market for over 100 years now, and it is recognized globally for its innovative and durable products. TOTO CST744SL Drake is a two-piece Toto Toilet that includes many smart features that add to your bathroom experience and make it more comfortable. This high-efficiency toilet is ADA compliant and comes with a comfort height feature that provides ultimate comfort to older people and people with diseases or disabilities. The comfort height feature of this toilet is ideal for taller adults if they find it uncomfortable to sit on a regular height toilet. Furthermore, this best toilet includes an elongated bowl that offers an adequate sitting space for your bathroom business.

The TOTO CST744SL Drake two-piece toilet has an elegant and robust design that complements your bathroom’s décor. It includes a high-profile close couple tank that features a large chrome flush lever to provide a convenient flushing operation. Additionally, this best toilet comes with a powerful and effective flushing system that is not only water-efficient but also offers robust flushes to ensure optimal sanitation of your toilet. However, unlike many other toilets, this toilet also doesn’t come with a toilet seat, and you have to purchase a toilet seat separately.

Why Choose TOTO CST744SL Drake?

Why Choose TOTO CST744SL Drake

Some of the significant features of this best toilet make it ideal for your bathroom, and since TOTO is known for its premium quality, you won’t regret investing in this high-efficiency toilet. Most importantly, this toilet is known as one of the least expensive TOTO toilets, which gives you another reason to invest in this durable toilet. Additionally, this best toilet is ADA compliant, which makes it the best fit for your residential and commercial bathrooms. Finally, its comfort height feature provides a comfortable experience to all its users who may or may not need additional support in sitting on or getting up from the toilet.

TOTO CST744SL Drake is a two-piece toilet, and that is why its installation is quite more straightforward in comparison to a one-piece toilet. This two-piece toilet includes a tank and an elongated bowl that are installed together. Additionally, the elongated bowl has slightly bigger dimensions than a round bowl, and it provides more sitting space to its users; that is why it is considered more comfortable. Furthermore, the high-profile tank of this toilet has an elegant design, and it doesn’t take much space. Furthermore, the tank contains a chrome trip lever that helps you in activating the flush quickly after each bathroom use.

Lastly, TOTO is famous for its quality and innovativeness in the market, and TOTO CST744SL Drake is a toilet that not only looks good but also performs well. Its flushing system consumes 1.6 gallons per flush water and provides effective flushing to get rid of the waste in the bowl thoroughly. Furthermore, its more comprehensive, fully-glazed, and computer-designed trap way prevents clogging and keeps the toilet clean all the time.

Even though TOTO toilets are a little expensive, but TOTO CST744SL Drake offers all the best features, quality, and good looks at an affordable price to make your bathroom look extraordinary.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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