A Good Mattress Is The Secret To A Good Sleep


Have you been missing a good night’s rest because your mattress isn’t comfortable? Well then, it is time to get a new mattress. The search for the right mattress, which suits your body type and sleeping position, might be tedious. However, in the end, it will be worth the effort because it is not rocket science that a comfortable mattress is one of the primary prerequisites for sound sleep.

Although there are numerous brands in the market, like Nolah Mattress, choosing a mattress that suits your needs is important. Additionally, most of us overuse our mattresses, so it is essential to know the exact lifespan of a good mattress and the indicators that make it obvious that – it is time to get a new one.

To make things easy, we have picked up a few tips about choosing the right mattress at the right time. You can also read the mattress myths article on InsideBedroom.

  1. The Lifeline Of Your Mattress

Unicorn Mattress

If your mattress has crossed the age of eight, then it is time to get a new one. Any mattress that is used beyond this period loses its quality. However, this is a standard criterion, so if you experience discomfort before this period, it is time to get a new mattress.

  1. What’s Your Type

Clean Mattress

Cotton mattresses are an old-day thing. Today, people usually prefer foam or coils. Therefore, if you are looking for a cozy, pressure relief and smooth feel, foam-based mattresses are the best. On the other hand, coils are usually recommended if you are looking for great support, comfort, and cooling.

  1. The Level Of Firmness That Suits You

Homestyle Mattress

Do you like a soft bed or a hard bed? That’s the question you need to ask yourself while selecting a mattress. Furthermore, your body type and size also decides the level of firmness. To make things simple, a mattress that provides support to your spine without creating much pressure would be an ideal choice.

  1. Your Sleep Position

Sleep Position

This might amaze you, but your sleep positions also determine the type of mattress you need to get. If you are amongst those who keep changing their sleeping positions frequently, you should go for a mattress with soft to medium level firmness.

However, if you’re one of those individuals who sleep with their stomach pressed to their mattresses, then you need a mattress that can provide your body with equal support throughout. A flatbed is best suited for such individuals.

  1. Your Body Weight

Best Innerspring Mattress

Another important criteria is your body weight. Depending on your body weight, you can select the type of mattress. If you weigh anywhere between 50-70Kg, then a soft bed is ideal for you. However, if your weight is above 70kg, a medium-firm bed is what you need to look for to ensure comfortable and sound sleep.

These are some of the broad pointers, which can help you choose the right bed. So, the next time you purchase a mattress, give it a thought because having the right mattress is extremely important for a healthy body. Moreover, who does not like a good night’s sleep!!!

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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