A Guide To Fixing Common Plumbing Issues With Your Toilet


Common Plumbing Issues

Plumbing is not a simple task. However, as a homeowner, there are a few plumbing hacks you can learn so you may save money and quickly fix problems.

This article discusses a list of typical plumbing issues and their solutions. It also discusses a list of must-have plumbing supplies by every homeowner.

Common Plumbing Tools Every Homeowner Needs

Here are a few common plumbing tools that are highly recommended for homeowners to must have:

A plunger to unclog drains and clogged toilets.AA drain snake removes obstructions from your sink’s drainage.

  • A hand auger is used to remove items from larger pipes that are trapped.
  • A wrench for tightening or adjusting plumbing equipment such as faucets, toilet seats, and pipe connections.
  • A pipe wrench with movable jaws for holding and rotating pipes.
  • Thread seal tape is used to temporarily remedy leaks by sealing pipe connections.
  • Pliers for grasping both little and large objects caught in pipes.
  • A tape measure to accurately measure items for affordable repairs or replacements.

A Guide To Resolving Typical Toilet Plumbing Difficulties

  1. Broken Tank

Finding water near your toilet is an obvious sign of a problem. Toilet tanks that are damaged or broken are one of the main problems.

A damaged toilet tank can easily cause issues for you, to your toilet, your bathroom floor, and your utility bills if it is left unattended. The valve on your toilet will still let water flow into the tank until it is full.

However, if your tank has a crack, it may never be filled, which will cause your toilet to operate on its own. If this is the root of your toilet issues, replacing the appliance is probably in order. Take the subsequent actions to resolve this:

  • Cut the water off.
  • Dry out the tank’s interior.
  • Use silicone plumbing epoxy to repair the damaged area.
  • Spread the sealant evenly.
  • Permit drying of the silicone epoxy.
  1. A Clogged Toilet

Most people have once encountered a clogged toilet in their homes. They can be dangerous in addition to being an annoyance. Clogs left unattended can harm your home’s plumbing and result in issues like mold growth or damaged floors.

If there is a full or partial clog, the water will not drain as it should. There are many objects that can cause your toilet to clog. For instance, paper towels, sanitary pads, wipes, and practically anything that is not biodegradable can clog toilets if they are flushed. Make sure your children don’t flush toys, clothes, or food down the toilet. The health of your toilet depends on it!

As a general guideline, avoid flushing anything that isn’t toilet paper or human waste, even if it’s labeled “flushable.” Throw these things away with regular rubbish. But if you ever find yourself in the situation, below is a solution to a clogged toilet.

Toilet clogs are typically not too far down the drain, so a plunger can be used to clear them. A flange plunger can be used to remove the obstruction from the siphon if it is there. To prevent splashing and generate a lot of suction, be sure to get a good-sized plunger.

  1. Tank Whistling On Flushing

The sound of water flowing through the pipes is normal, but a whistling or noisy toilet is not and indicates a broken toilet tank fill valve. The valve deteriorates with age, which is the main reason for the whistling sound in toilets. You will pay more for this issue than just some peaceful time. Your water bill will go up because a broken valve always causes more water to be used.

Solution: A worn-out tank fill valve is the primary cause of the whistling sound. The issue should be resolved by replacing the tank fill valve. You can purchase from firms like PlumberStock that sell and supply toilet materials

  1. Slow Flushing

A blocked leach field is the main cause of slow toilets and drains. This only applies to residences with septic systems. A leach field that is clogged will prevent water from percolating as it should.

Because of this, the toilet and drains will slow down. But even without a septic system, it is still possible to have slow drains. For instance, there may not be enough water in the tank to provide a good flush, or your toilet may be clogged. A solution to slow flushing is discussed below.

If your drains are operating normally, but your toilet is flushing slowly, there may be some debris that was flushed down the toilet that has clogged it. Plunge it open if it’s clogged. As a general guideline, refrain from flushing anything down the toilet that isn’t toilet paper or human waste.

  1. Toilet Refills By Itself

Even when you haven’t flushed your toilet, you could occasionally hear it make refilling noises. Because a refill sound typically indicates that the toilet has lost water either internally or externally. This issue is occasionally referred to as ghost flushing.

Throughout the day, this could occur sporadically. You have an interior leak if there isn’t any visible water on the ground or the outside of the toilet. A leak from the outside should leave water on the floor.

Also, inspect the flapper to look for any obvious damage. Replace the damaged flapper with a new one if necessary. If the first two methods don’t work, you’ll need to replace the entire flush.

  1. Toilet Leaking

Leaks near the base of the toilet are typically not only ugly but also unhygienic. They originate from the contaminated liquid in your toilet bowl rather than the clean water from the toilet tank unless the water is coming from the water shut-off valve behind the toilet.

A solution is to tighten the tee bolts to more firmly secure a loose toilet to the floor to address this germ issue. Alternatively, like in the previous item, the problem could be with the wax seal itself.

  1. Toilet Sweating

Even though it appears to be sweating, the droplets on your toilet’s surface aren’t made of toilet water or water from the tank. When warm, humid interior air comes into touch with the cool surface of your toilet tank, condensation is created. The droplets don’t necessarily mean there’s a plumbing issue, but all that moisture can ruin the floor tiles and subflooring in your bathroom.

Install an anti-sweat valve by having a plumber perform it if the first two remedies don’t work. By using this gadget, you can raise the temperature of the water in your toilet tank so that it is more similar to the air around it.

  1. Toilet Fills Slowly

A toilet may be having problems if it takes more than a minute to refill after flushing. Your float ball, which is supposed to float on top of the water in your tank, may have gotten clogged with water. This can cause the tank to fill more slowly than usual. While you could install a new float ball and move on, it would be wiser to have a plumber install a more up-to-date toilet system.

Verify that the water fill valve is fully open. Additionally, inspect for wear and tear, mineral sediment accumulation, or inappropriate positioning on the fill valve, which is located inside the tank on the left side. You might need the assistance of a licensed plumber in Sydney to replace either of these crucial valves if it is severely worn out or damaged.


As soon as you see any of the aforementioned issues, you should address them. If you don’t take care of these typical bathroom issues as soon as they arise, they could get worse and cost you a lot of money.

Additionally, even though the majority of issues are simple to resolve, don’t be afraid to call a plumber for assistance if you are unsure.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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