Most students’ kitchen is anything but professional. Some even resort to surviving on instant meals for the entire duration of their studies. If that’s the case, this article might be a bit too advanced for you. Try looking for a list of microwave-friendly recipes. This article, however, is for those who want to advance their toolbox and start cooking like a pro. Start by finding a do my math homework site to free up some time, and let’s get cooking! Here’s a list of must-have utensils for a beginner cook.
Stainless Steel Pan
You cannot go without a trusty frying pan. But which one to choose for a beginner? You can go three ways:
- Cast iron skillet;
- Non-stick pan;
- Stainless steel pan.
Cast iron has lots of benefits. But you would also have to learn to season and care for it properly, which is quite a bit of work. A non-stick is perfect for all sorts of things generally. However, if you are trying to save money, a cheap non-stick won’t last you long. A stainless steel pan is an investment. It won’t be cheap either, but it can literally last you a lifetime. One thing to look for in a stainless steel pan is that a sheet of copper or aluminum is placed between two stainless steel sheets. That will guarantee you even heat distribution and long life.
Many people think that you need a 10-piece knife set to start cooking. As you could’ve guessed, it’s not true. Ideally, you need two knives – a bigger chef’s knife and a paring knife for detail work. But in reality, if you get skilled enough with your chef’s knife, or you’re on a tight budget, you can make do with just one knife.
When it comes to choosing a chef’s knife, you must go to a physical store. Online shopping won’t do the trick here. You cannot estimate how a knife would feel in your hand. It’s best to go to a store and address a consultant. They will help you choose the one that feels right. Try out different weights and sizes and see which one fits you best and doesn’t intimidate you. There’s no perfect solution for everyone – you’ll have to try it out and see for yourself.
Cutting Board
First, let’s talk about the material. There are only two routes you can take: plastic and wood. Don’t even think about glass. Glass cutting boards are merciless to knives, can get slippery to the point of being dangerous, and break quite easily. Plastic boards, although mostly quite ugly, can serve you well. Having two for raw meat and fish is perfect since they are easy to wash. Once you put a piece of raw fish on a wooden cutting board, consider it ruined forever.
This takes us to the start of the show: a wooden cutting board. Look for a big, thick (2 inches) cutting board. This way, it won’t curl or crack after 6 months of use. Harder wood is also preferable: oak and walnut are perfect. But these kinds of wood can get quite pricey, especially if you’re looking for a bigger board. One way to save some money on that is to buy it outside of a conventional store. If you ever travel to a forest area or mountains, there will probably be local craftspeople. From them, you will be able to buy an amazing board for a fraction of the price.
A Versatile Pot
A big bot with a thick bottom is your key to quick and easy one-pot dinners. Surely, the size depends on how many people that pot is going to feed. If you live alone and only start to explore cooking, you don’t need an 8-quart pot. You should go for ceramic cooking pots as the combination of the aluminum base. The ceramic coating makes for a lightweight pot that is more applicable than other heavy cookware to do well for pasta.
A Y-shaped vegetable peeler is an indispensable kitchen tool. If you’re still peeling your vegetables with a knife, think about how much food and time you’re wasting! And a Y-shaped one is just much more convenient and easier to use than a swivel one.
A Big Mesh Sieve
A cheap, trusty, and versatile sieve has a place in every kitchen. With a big enough mesh sieve, you can strain your pasta, wash grains like rice, fish out poached vegetables, and strain sauces and stocks. It can also double up as a spider for scooping deep-fried food. Basically, you can do almost anything with that little thing, and it will hardly ever break.
Pepper Mill
Are you still buying pre-ground pepper in the store? Please, stop. Invest in a good pepper mill and enjoy the true flavor of black or any other pepper. Once you try it, you will never want to go back to buying ground pepper. The flavor of pre-ground pepper is dulled after being exposed to oxygen. Besides, you don’t get the entire peppercorn in the ground kind, but only the shell.
Baking Utensils
Baking is a whole other ordeal that requires a different article. But if you are only trying it out, you might want to get a set of essentials:
- A sheet pan
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Whisk (go for metal if you want to ensure durability)
- Big (glass or plastic) mixing bowl
- Silicone spatula
You can also use that same mesh sieve from before to sift your dry ingredients.
Wrapping Up
Cooking might be cheaper than eating out, but buying everything to cook like a pro at once might strain your pocket. Go over that list and get the things that you need most. Start with a skillet, a pot, and a knife. The rest can wait till your next paycheck. In time, if you really get into cooking, you won’t even notice how your kitchen space will start transforming with hooks, towels, and a billion little things that used to seem so unnecessary once.