Bring Flora And Fauna Into Your Living Room With These Botanic Garden Inspired Designs


Decorating your home involves attempting to place your own personal style on a property; it often involves bringing nature or natural objects into the home. These can provide style, sophistication and keep both the house and you grounded. The following tips will help you to bring the outside inside!

Keep It Simple

Flora and Fauna into Your Living Room

Sometimes all it takes is one piece of natural material, such as a piece of driftwood. It will create a stunning effect when placed in the right spot in your house.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui Plants

This ancient Chinese art has been practiced in China for hundreds of years. More recently, it has arrived in Western countries. The theory behind it is that every item has positive or negative energy. These energies must be present and balanced in every room of the house to ensure harmony and peace in your home. For example, plants have huge amounts of positive energy and should be used in every room to balance any negative energy.

Natural Colors

Natural Colors

Adding natural colors to your home will help balance the energy flows and feel like flora and fauna have been brought inside. This will create a relaxing vibe which can be particularly beneficial to those who are highly stressed. In contrast to these colors, it can often be helpful to add some ivory or green to a living room. This will ensure the room has some color and is very inviting.


Flower Mirror

A mirror is often hung opposite a window to bring more light into your home. Sunlight is reflected and bounced around the room, creating a light, airy space, and feel.  Mirrors can also be used to reflect images of flora and fauna into your house, ensuring you can see the garden no matter where you are sat.  This will create a relaxing, positive environment.

Japanese Serenity

Tatami Flooring

The Japanese favor tatami flooring and sliding doors. The dining table and chairs are traditionally on the floor as they sit to eat, and this effect can be recreated in your house by using split levels, creating seats that appear to be on the floor but are positioned at a table. The room should be kept simple and rustic with a few splashes of color. This will ensure you feel the benefits of the calm atmosphere and the serenity of flora and fauna positioned strategically around the room.


Traditional Decorative Pillows

If you find it challenging to have the time to look after a variety of plants in your home, then you may prefer to embrace flora and fauna by having them illustrated on cushions, flows, or even rugs. The bright colors can add a bit of vibrancy to the room and also a little sophistication.

Fake Wood

Fake Wood

A new approach to bringing the outside inside is to use fake wood décor. This does not mean flooring. Instead, the area around a fire can be set with a wooden style frame, pictures on the walls can be set into natural wood frames, and even the couch can be chosen for its stripes and knotty effect. This will make you feel like you are living among the trees!

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom Vase

This plant is considered to be a sign of good fortune and long life. It is part of the Japanese culture and is an excellent complement to a neutral room. The extra effect can be created by adding bold splashes of color, preferably red, to emphasize the color of the flowers; it also symbolizes passion.


Earthy Prints

The art you hang on the walls can make a huge difference to the feel of a room. Earthy prints will help keep a room grounded. White flowers will add a cheerful, uplifting environment. The perfectly balanced room will have elements of both.

Garden designs are an extremely relaxing way of rejuvenating your living room. Flowery designs have the purpose of making space feel fresher and airier. It will instantly make you and your guests embrace the relaxing ambiance surrounding that room. If you’re ready to spice things up in your home, then you should give botanic garden designs a chance to impress you.

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Jinally is a co-editor at MyDecorative.Com. She is a role model, especially in Social media Optimization in business and primary tasks, with an understanding of communicating and executing all activities related to referral searches. She works closely with the team and looks after the quality and growth of off-site factors like Social Media Marketing that drive referral growth. In addition, she analyses and creates strategic recommendations for social media promotions.


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