Can You Grow A Cordyline From A Cutting?


Cordyline Plants

Cordyline is a tropical plant with a mature height of three to ten feet and spreads two to four feet. The long, sword-shaped leaves have colors that vary from vibrant red to pink, variegated green, purple, or orange. If you decide to care for one, it’s relatively simple. You need light, warmth, and water. When propagating cordyline, you should do it during spring or summer by seeds, layering, or cuttings.

If you are going to grow cordyline through cuttings, it is an easy process. Ti plants are easy to propagate and can form roots in water by utilizing the plant’s stem and tip cuttings. Other options include layering the branches or rooting them up directly in damp soil. However, you can see growth with cuttings in a week or two.

How To Prune A Cordyline For Propagation

Whether you are cutting up a stem for propagation or pruning a plant with leggy growth, the method for taking cuttings is the same.

In most cultivars of the cordyline, all you have to do is slice the entire stem close to the soil level. There is no need to concern yourself since the parent stem will produce new growth in a few weeks. When you are pruning for appearance purposes, you should cut slightly higher on the plant so that the cut stem’s latest development will not rest too close to the soil.

When it comes to plants, including cordyline, several reputable sources, such as, are worth checking out if you want to buy well-established ones. You might find a cordyline variety or other similar plants.

Creating Stem Cuts

After creating your first cut on the stem, it is best to divide the mature branch into three-inch segments. Do the same to the tip of the stem that has any leaves. Make sure that you will leave at least three inches of stem beneath the last leaf. Remove any excess leaves.

Rooting Cordyline Plant Cuttings

How quickly and successfully your cordyline cuttings form roots will depend on whether you provide the optimal growing conditions that the plant needs.

A mature cordyline requires 65 to 95-degree temperature, partial shade, and a high humidity level. As a plant that thrives in warm conditions, it can endure full sun and high heat but not both at the same time. You should provide your plant with full exposure earlier or later when the temperature is cooler along with limited sun to the filtered shelter later in the day when it is warmest. Once your cuttings are ready, ensure that you will provide the same environment to get the best results.

The most straightforward and hassle-free method is positioning all the cuttings in soil under a lightly sheltered area. Mist the cuttings during the first week, and they will eventually form roots in three to four weeks.

There are measures to consider whether you are going to soil or water rooting your cordyline cuttings. Ensure that you plant the stem’s tip with leaves in a vertical position, with a minimum of 3 inches of the stem into the water or soil.

Remember that you can insert the three-inch stem cuttings or cane logs into the soil or set them into the water either horizontally or vertically. If you decide to position the cuttings horizontally, you will likely gain several plant sprouts throughout the logs’ length that you can later divide once they establish well. In case you are going to position them vertically, you will gain new leaf growth on a single stem, generating a single plant.


A Close Look On Water Rooting Ti Plant Cuttings

Before rooting the cordyline cuttings in water, you should determine the top of the cutting or log by marking it with a nail polish dot or a permanent marker. Designating a top point will be easier to change the water and ensure that the cuttings are correct. Once you mistakenly flip the cuttings upside-down, it will slow down the process because it has to reorient its growth pattern.

When you have three-inch cuttings, allow the ends to dry and form callus for one to two days before placing them in water. The callus’ presence will promote the cutting to send out new roots in search of moisture and lessen end rot formation.

Submerge the cuttings in water up to a third or half of its length. Make sure to use a shallow container. You can nestle them in a layer of small pebbles or stones to keep them in place. Change the water every two or three days.

You can add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to a cup of water which aids in oxygenating the water temporarily and lowers the chances of root rot. Once you correctly label the top part of the cuttings, you can quickly return them to the correct position after changing the water.


The ti plant or cordyline requires a simple care routine. It is a lovely element to any garden or indoors. With its striking colors, the plant will effectively add a burst of color to any space. If you want to propagate cordyline, you can quickly produce new plants with cuttings. With the process detailed above, you can grow and reproduce cordyline with ease.

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Jinally is a co-editor at MyDecorative.Com. She is a role model, especially in Social media Optimization in business and primary tasks, with an understanding of communicating and executing all activities related to referral searches. She works closely with the team and looks after the quality and growth of off-site factors like Social Media Marketing that drive referral growth. In addition, she analyses and creates strategic recommendations for social media promotions.


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