Digitally Disconnected – Troubleshooting TV Connection Issues


There is nothing worse than being in the middle of your favourite programme and being interrupted by bad reception or any of the other common television connections issues. You spend half the time troubleshooting the problem only to finally admit the extent of your expertise, which amounts to controlling the remote. What is worse is having to call a technician to come out to address the problem, as you are lucky if you get someone out to your place the same day.

However, before you find yourself having to wait between a particular time block to get service, there are some things you can do that might address the problem. TV antenna installation problems come in a variety of issues including not receiving any signals, missing channels, unclear images, and a range of other matters. Troubleshooting television connection issues might be as simple as moving shrubbery away from the antenna to adjusting the placement or other more complicated problems.

Continue reading to learn more about troubleshooting your television connection issues so you can get back to watching your favourite shows.

Not Receiving Signals

Troubleshooting TV Connection Issues

One major problem might relate to objects obstructing the antenna itself. Buildings, trees, and hills can all be obstructions to signals not being able to reach your antenna. Make a visual check of the area to make sure that there is nothing that could block matter to your antenna.

Another problem that might interfere with the signal is corroded, loose cable fittings, or if the cable is being used in more than one home. Splitters might cause problems, so disconnect the splitter and reconnecting directly into the box to see if you get a signal.

Finally, you could be having problems getting a signal because you are too far away from the broadcasting tower. Most antennas have a range of about 100 km, so if you live outside this range, this might be the reason you are having problems. You might have to install additional equipment to receive the signal.

If you do live within the 100km range and are still having problems, this could relate to two major issues. One issue might be that the antenna is receiving interfering signals with others in the vicinity. To troubleshoot, make sure that there are no metal objects or other antennas in the area. The other issue might have to with antenna strength, as your device might be too strong requiring a signal attenuator.

Not Receiving All Your Channels

One problem can be that the station is broadcasting on a different frequency. Most stations broadcast on UHF, but there are a few that operate off VHF signals. UHF antennas can pick up some VHF signals, but to avoid having issues, consider using a device that optimizes for both frequencies. An additional problem might relate to the antenna being installed lower than needed to receive reception and other obstruction problems, move the antenna to a clear line-of-sight to get a better signal.

Unclear Picture

 If your television is snowing, then you do not own a digital TV. Analog broadcast televisions snow, so outside of purchasing an updated TV, you can buy a converter or an external receiver to address this issue. If your television is digital, make sure the television’s input set to “broadcast,” “TV,” or “air” as opposed to “cable.” After doing this, go to the settings menu and scan for channels.

Getting Reconnected

Weather can also be an obstacle in getting clear reception on your digital television, but this usually clears as the weather conditions improve. However, if you are experiencing any issues, try to troubleshoot on your own using your owner’s manual. Then, if your problems persist, consider contacting a technician to investigate the issue and get back to your usual TV schedule.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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