Heating System Repair & Furnace Maintenance Contractor In Greenwood, IN


Furnace Maintenance

Winter is slowly working its way to many areas of the country, including Greenwood, Indiana, with its frigid temperatures. Some states have already turned on their heating systems to take the chill off temperatures already dipping a little too low.

In anticipation, homeowners have reliable furnace maintenance contractors service their systems for the coming season to avoid potential malfunctions making their homes uncomfortable and putting families at risk in the extreme temperatures.

How To Know If You Should Repair Or Replace A Furnace Before Winter Arrives

If you’re someone who found themselves calling for furnace repairs in Greenwood quite a bit last season, it’s wise to consult with your preventative maintenance specialist for a tune-up to see if you might need a replacement before winter sets in this year.

In some cases, you can save costs by replacing over continuous repairs. What are some possible warning signs that a replacement is inevitable/

  • Carbon monoxide emits from the furnace.

Carbon monoxide exposure is a reason to replace a system immediately and not make repairs since this is unsafe. Typically, when the combustion chamber gets cracked, it will leak carbon monoxide into the household, making it mandatory to replace it immediately.

Carbon monoxide is references as a “silent killer” since it is tasteless, odorless, and colorless with the capacity to cause death with inhalation of an extended period. Some signs exhibiting potential leakage:

  1. An excess of moisture over the walls, windows, etc
  2. Pipe rusting
  3. Upward draft absent in chimney
  4. Burner flame yellow instead of blue
  5. Soot streaks surrounding the furnace
  6. Flu-like symptoms develop, including headache, nausea, disorientation

You should evacuate the home if any of these signs appear, followed by contacting the utility company to shut off the gas and the fire company, plus ensure that you receive medical attention at the earliest moment.

Once the home is clean and you’re able to return, contact your furnace repair provider regarding a replacement system.

  • The furnace is over 15 years old.

High-quality furnaces maintained adequately and serviced regularly will enjoy an extended lifespan, but they won’t last forever. The “U.S. Department of Energy” puts the range for a heating system life cycle between 15 and 30 years depending on care and upkeep with variables.

These include the quality of the product, brand, and varied other factors. As it ages and begins to reach this time span, it will start to show signs of wear and tear, with repairs becoming more frequent and less budget-friendly.

The suggestion is that when this happens, it’s wise to look into a more efficient option and make the investment into a replacement instead of putting more and more money into repairs.

  • Heating costs are rising.

Each year prices for heating will generally fluctuate to a degree due to differences with supply/demand and changes with the weather. However, atypical spikes each month in conjunction with using the heating system can indicate that the furnace is consuming more energy than it should.

Double-check current costs to the previous years to see how significant the differences are. If you’re using it similarly and economically, it’s wise to contact your provider for services.

As age progresses, parts begin to wear, but these still attempt to perform as they once did, making the system work harder but less efficiently, causing an increase in costs. That’s the point when repairs begin to occur much more frequently.

At this stage, a decision needs to be made about whether it’s wise to continue with repairs or a replacement would make a more cost-effective investment. Contacting your furnace contractor for an inspection will help answer that question.

Final Thought

Homeowners in Greenwood, Indiana, who invest adequate time and attention to care and upkeep of their heating system plus employ annual servicing with a reliable furnace repair contractor will see an extended lifespan with their system. It won’t last forever. Find out if you should repair or replace your heating system at https://money.com/replace-furnace/.

The suggested time frame before a furnace will start to show wear is roughly 15 years if properly cared for. Once serious repairs become routine, it’s time to consider a more efficient replacement to save on energy and utility costs.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. I had no idea that a faulty furnace could boost your home’s monthly utility costs if left unattended. I heard that my uncle heard a strange noise coming out of his home’s furnace system lately. Maybe we should find a contractor that could repair this for him if the problem persists. https://www.hotshotahc.com/heating-service


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