How To Choose The Right Water Filter & Water Treatment System For Your Home


Right Water Filter

Know about the different water treatment systems and filters and choose the perfect one for your loving home.

Water plays an essential role in every aspect of our life. We need water for different reasons every day. So, it’s needed to be well managed. Polluted water harms our health and causes many diseases. To avoid the usage of impure and contaminated water, we should use water only after filtering it. Nowadays, boiling water isn’t that effective as the new age contaminants might remain in the water even after boiling it for more than 20 minutes. That’s why filtration is a must to have pollution-free water.

Water filtration can be done in many ways. The systems requirement may vary from one family to another. You can choose one of the many systems by analyzing what type of filtration you need. There are two types of water filter for home use:

  • POE (Point-Of-Entry) Systems: It is used for treating all water entering the home. It is connected to the pressurized storage tank or the water meter.
  • POU (Point-Of-Use) Systems: This type of filter treats the water right at the point of use. This system includes faucet filters, water pitchers, and reverse osmosis (RO) systems.

Choose the type which fulfills your demand after considering the matters below:

  1. Find Out The Problem

Before choosing the right water filter for your home, you need to determine what is causing the water impurities. Even many times, the water that seems clean to us contains heavy metal, which is no less harmful. Consult with the authority and test the water if you feel the necessity.

If you find heavy metals in your house water and feel the need to own a filter, check heavy metal water filter reviews to understand better which one you need.

If you have a well at your house, it’s better to try testing the water independently. It will give you the result timely, and you will be able to avoid the problem sooner.

  1. Mark The Contaminants You Need To Reduce

Check and decide which water contaminants you want to reduce. That’s how you will be able to install the correct water filter for your home. Based on the testing result, determine which specific contaminants you will like to reduce. Keep in mind that all filters are not capable of getting rid of all pollutants.

  1. Choose The Type Of Water Filter You Will Like To Inaugurate

Now, you will have to choose a water treatment solution. You can choose both POE or POU filters as per the requirement.

POE Systems

To keep all water in your home pollution-free, you might like to choose the whole-house system or the POE systems. Such as:

  1. Whole-House Chlorine Filters

Chlorine is usually used for disinfecting the city water to eliminate waterborne diseases. But it produces harmful byproducts combined with organic matter. Chlorine filters absorb chlorine by using carbon filtration. It gives the whole house clean and chlorine-free water.

  1. Water Softeners

Water softeners filter water using ion-exchange technology. It reduces the level of magnesium and calcium from your tap water. To save your time, energy, and money, this filtration system can be a great choice.

  1. UV Microbiological Treatment System

To remove microbiological contaminants, the UV microbiological treatment system is very effective. It’s a safe and chemical-free disinfection system. UV exposure makes the microorganisms harmless even if they are chlorine-resistant.

POU System

There are many water filtration options if you want to select POU systems. Some POU systems that may seem good for filtering water are as follows:

  • Pitcher, dispenser, or pour-through filters
  • Plumbed-in to separate faucet systems
  • Personal water bottles
  • Faucet mount filters
  • Under-the-sink or plumbed-in systems
  • Under-the-sink systems piped to a separate faucet type.
  • Refrigerator filters
  • Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems
  1. Pitcher, Dispenser, Or Pour-Through Filters

Pitcher-style filters are perfect for filtering heavy metals. They are appropriate for small households. These filters use carbon filter technology. It can be installed easily. The filters need to be changed every three months. These pitchers require regular filling.

  1. Faucet Mount Filters

If you want a free flow of clean water for cooking and drinking, you might like to select a faucet mount water filter. These filters pull toxins and treat the contaminants while the water is passing through the tap. These filters are preferable for renters as they are self-installed filtration systems.

  1. Under The Sink Or Plumbed In Systems

Under-the-sink or plumbed-in systems are more upgraded water purification systems. It is effective for reducing specific toxins. Most of these have carbon block filters. It is installed under the kitchen sink. It has many additional options that can filter the sediments and minerals, along with targeting specific contaminants. It’s a very potent filtration system.

  1. Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems are very popular these days as they can block the toxins which other filters can not. It is the only water filtration system certified by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) for reducing harmful particles like fluoride, nitrate, copper, lead, etc.

After Works

When you are done choosing the right water filtration system for your household, let’s get ahead with the installation. Always pick a certified filter system. Consider the maintenance and purchase cost of the one you need.

Now it’s time for installation. POU and POE systems are generally easy to install, but you may hire a professional if it looks difficult for you. Remember to maintain the systems according to the manual. Keep track of the filter’s replacement so that you might not have to use the contaminated water even for a single day.

Filtration of water is necessary for all of us as nowadays, most areas often have contaminated and sometimes polluted water. A water filtration system gives you the certainty of having pure water to use. Choose wisely and use your preferable water filtration system to develop your way of living by remaining healthy.

Pick your filter and drink healthier!

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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