How To Know If Your House Requires Reblocking


How To Know If Your House Requires Reblocking

Houses that are built near the coast are always prone to damage as a result of high winds, high water, and blown sand. Even worse is when the home is built on stumps.

Over time, the stumps can also get damaged. If the stumps are damaged, the integrity and safety of the floor joists and foundation can be at risk to the extent of the floor sagging.

Sagging floors can make the doors and windows jam, making it challenging to either close or open them as a result of misalignment. Once the foundation and basement are uneven, the unevenness is transferred to the doors and windows, making it hard to open or close them.

If the tiles are cracked or broken, it’s a sign that your home is probably settling in due to failing stumps. Older homes have tiles that are applied directly on cement boards without enough room for flexing. Even if your home has only settled for less than an inch, cracks will start forming over time.

Plastered walls quickly show signs of bowing floor joists. For instance, if you’re sealing a particular crack on your wall repeatedly, then it’s a sure sign that the stumps are failing. Thus, it’ll be pointless to keep on doing the same repair.

What you need to do is lifting the entire floor and replacing the old stumps with new ones, or repair the damaged stumps if possible.

Affordable Reblocking Services

The first thing you need to do when planning to jack up or raise your home is to look for an affordable reblocking service. However, be cautious about companies that offer extremely cheaper rates than most companies.

In case the final estimate for the project appears way too cheaper when compared to most estimates, then the company might be using inferior materials or cutting corners. Never take shortcuts when it comes to restumping your home.

Thus, cheap repair jobs may end up being costly when something goes wrong. The best thing to do is to invest in affordable but high-quality service.

Most Melbourne reblocking services prefer your presence when they’re lifting your home. By being present, you’ll witness that the reblocking specialists are using high-quality products for the job.

You’ll also confirm that they’re doing the repair or installation with utmost care. Moreover, you can contribute to the project with some minor labor work such as moving things here and there.

Proper Preparation Work

There’s a process that has to be followed for a successful home reblocking project. When planning to raise your home to install steel beams or hardwood timber poles to keep it safe, level, and secure, some steps have to be followed.

The holes where the stumps will be installed have to be dug by specific codes of construction.

Regardless of the depth of the hole, layering has to be done with not less than 2 to 3 inches of rock for proper drainage. Failure to do so may result in the posts sitting on the water.

When using steel beams, it’s required to apply enamel generously on the beams to seal them from moisture.

Once the applied enamel dries, say within 5 hours or so, a coat of tar will be applied on the paint. Using the two compounds gives steel beams enhanced protection.

If you’re planning to raise your home for economic or security reasons, always go for a professional company.

A professional company will have extensively trained reblocking specialists. They’ll prioritize on keeping your home safe from any damages when raising it.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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