How To Make A DIY Lavender Sleep Spray


Lavender essential oil is a substance that can help you get a great night’s sleep. People often refer to it as the best essential oil to have on hand as it has many uses. Among its uses are relieving pain, boosting immunity, treating acne, reducing stress and anxiety, helping hair grow, and helping people sleep better. Its most popular use is its aromatherapy benefits.

Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil

Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil

Nearly everyone likes the smell of this oil. It’s a floral scent that is sweet and relaxing. People use it to sleep better because of it’s calming properties. By spraying it on your clean mattress and pillows, it’s smell will last longer. It also works swiftly so you can spray it just before laying down for sleep. Spraying this is especially useful for those who have a tough time getting to sleep.

Directions To Make Lavender Essential Spray

To Make Lavender Essential Spray

You can make a recipe for essential lavender spray using just three ingredients. One of these is witch hazel, which is a natural astringent. Witch hazel is often used to clean or tone skin. If you spray this mixture on your pillow, it will help the skin on your face. The reason it is one of the recipes in this spray is that it helps mix lavender essential oil and water better. Water is, of course, the third ingredient.

You should ideally use an amber or cobalt glass spray bottle to fill with the recipe. Pour one tablespoon of unscented witch hazel into the bottle, followed by 15 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil. Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water. You can use regular water from your faucet, but distilled water is purer.

Use A Cobalt Or Amber Glass Bottle

Use A Cobalt Or Amber Glass Bottle

It just takes a couple of sprays on your pillow just before you go to sleep. The pillow will emit aromatherapy that relaxes you, like laying in a field of lavender. The reason you should use cobalt or amber glass bottle is that they stand up well to essential oils. Essential oils can burn or even deteriorate plastic if they aren’t correctly diluted. Cobalt and amber glass bottles are mostly available in 2-ounce and 4-ounce bottles. The above recipe is for a 2-ounce bottle. If you are using a 4-ounce bottle, all you need to do is double the amount of unscented witch hazel and lavender essential oil.

It’s likely that once you use this lavender essential oil recipe, it will become a necessary part of your household. It smells fantastic and can help you sleep well throughout the night. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep is essential to health, so using a recipe like this can contribute to living a healthy life. Healthy sleep helps you feel and look better.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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