How To Maximize The Space In Your Small Home


Maximize The Space In Your Small Home

Many people in today’s society live in small spaces for various reasons, including the high cost of living, the lack of space in the city, or simply because they choose to. Living with less square footage means you need to be creative in how you use every inch of your home.

Fortunately, there are ways to maximize the space you have available. These ways combine traditional techniques with ones that require you to be more creative. In this article, we discuss how to maximize the space and live well for a smaller home, whether it is an apartment, condo, or a house with just one bedroom and limited square footage.

The Four Best Ways To Maximize Space In A Small Home

Here are some of the best ways one can maximize space in a small home:

Turn To Self Storage

Who’s to say that you can only store your belongings within your property? Instead of storing your things in the garage or basement, you may instead consider renting a self-storage unit.

Here, you can save a great deal of space in your home. You can easily keep the items you will need in your everyday life at home and then put the things you do not need as often in the storage unit. You will be surprised at how much space you save with this easy trick!

Moreover, you can rest assured knowing that the belongings you put in storage are safe and secure. This is because many self-storage facilities in the UK have 24/hour CCTV surveillance on-site and an alarm system that will notify the police or fire department should an intruder try to break in. Climate-controlled self-storage units are also available for your convenience and the safety of your sensitive items.

The Self Storage Association UK (SSAUK) also sees that their members deliver only excellent customer service, which ensures your satisfaction. Additionally, you will have total control over your rented storage space. This means you can choose the size of the unit that will fit within the limitations of your budget and needs.

If you’re wondering, “How is all this going to cost?” you’ll be glad to know that the prices are very affordable. And although there isn’t a standard price matrix for self-storage units all over the country, the factors (e.g., unit size, unit type, features availed, location) used to compute the costs remain the same, whether you go for storage around Devon and Cornwall or rent a self-storage unit in Edinburgh or London.

Declutter Your Home

To maximize the space in your small home, you might want to start by decluttering. This is one of those tasks that most people are hesitant about doing because it’s so overwhelming and time-consuming.

However, there are some simple ways for you to declutter your house without spending too much time getting rid of items or throwing things away.

For example, you can donate or recycle items that are still in good condition but no longer of use to you. You could also think about downsizing your books and DVDs by selling them online. Another option is to sell old clothes at a thrift store for money instead of taking up space with them around the house!

If you are still feeling lost and are not quite sure about where to begin the process of decluttering, here are some tips you may find helpful:

  • Items you have not used for more than half a year are likely never to be used again. That means they should be recycled or donated.
  • You can also get rid of items by using the rule, “One in, two out.” This means that you have to donate or recycle two old ones first for every new item you buy.
  • Goods that are damaged beyond repair are also worth getting rid of. After all, they’ll only be taking up space without actual purpose. The same goes for duplicate items or those that have been discarded for an upgrade.

Aside from the extra space it will afford you, decluttering will also provide you with various benefits for your physical and mental health.

Make Sure Your Furniture Complements The Space

You can also use the space in your small home more efficiently by getting furniture and fixtures that complement what you have. For example, if you want to maximize storage space in a room with a very little floor or wall space, get some shelving units!

There are many types of shelves available for every requirement. As an illustration, there are stainless steel wire shelving units, which are great for heavy items that need to be stored in a pantry or garage. You can also get fixed shelves and floating shelves.

Remember, though, that the goal is not to get “small” furniture. After all, what’s small for you may not be small for me. Instead, you will want to find items that are sized appropriately in relation to your space. Moreover, you will want things that can be used comfortably by you, the rest of your household, and any future guests, albeit being small in size.

Here are some more tips on how to select the best furniture for your home.

Stack, Hang, And Mount!

It is essential to also use the space in your small home by stacking things on top of each other. For example, you can stack boxes and books or place them vertically against a wall!

Hanging items is also an excellent way to free up space. For example, you can hang your scarves or ties on hooks. You could also use the backs of chairs for storage instead of taking up precious floor space with them! Sometimes, if your ceiling is strong enough for it, you may even install hooks on it, which you may use to hang lighting fixtures, home decor, or clothing.

Mounting also has its perks. You can mount items on the walls or even on doors, which you may use for hanging pictures! This is a great way to make your small home more stylish and functional as well. Aside from these, you may also mount electronic equipment, which means they won’t be taking up too much space on the floor.

Final Thoughts

Utilizing the space in your small home is a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. These four tips will help you better use the space available to you and give yourself more options for living comfortably in a small home.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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