How To Take The Best Care Of Bonsai Trees


The word “Bon-sai” is a Japanese term which, literally translated, means “planted in a container.” Bonsai aren’t genetically dwarfed plants, and any tree species can be used to grow one.

Caring for a Bonsai tree is not nearly as hard as is commonly thought, however, as Bonsai trees are planted in small pots majority for an indoor garden.

Here are a few basic guidelines that you have to follow when watering, fertilizing and repotting your Bonsai trees.

Basic Cares Of Bonsai Tree

Even though Bonsai trees are more fragile contrasted with the average indoor plant, a couple of organic standards should empower anybody to deal with its tree legitimately. Above all are watering, preparation and picking the correct position to put it. Watering Bonsai trees

The most important part of taking care of your Bonsai trees is flooding. Watering depends on several factors like species of tree, size of the tree, size of the pot, time of the year, soil-mixture and climate where you live. As I can say, it is impossible to say how often you should water Bonsai tree. However, understanding a few basic guidelines will help you to observe when a tree needs to be wet or when not.

You need to observe your trees individually, Water your trees when the soil gets slightly dry. Do not water your tree when the ground is still wet but only when it feels slightly dry, but never let a tree dry out completely.

Use the right soil-mixture. Make a mixture of akadama, pumice and lava rock mixed in a ratio of ½ to ¼ to ¼ should be excellent for most of the bonsai tree.

Fertilizing The Bonsai Tree

Fertilising The Bonsai Tree
Mulching regularly during the growing season is crucial to surviving. Other trees can extend their root system looking for nutrients, but the Bonsai are planted in slightly small pots and need to be fertilized to replenish the soil’s nutritional content.

There are three essential elements of any fertilizer.

 Nitrogen (N): It increases the growth of leaves and stems

Phosphorous (P): It encourages healthy root growth and growth of fruits & flowers. It promotes overall plant health.

Potassium (K): It promotes overall plant health.

Sometimes different ratios of NPK are being used for different trees

When should I apply fertilizer? It depends on the species, and most Bonsai trees should be fertilized during the growing season, from early spring till mid-autumn. Choose the right compost and the right quantity. In spring use NPK in the ratio of 10:6:6 in summer use NPK in the rate of 6:6:6 and in autumn use NPK in the ratio of 3:6:6

Experts prefer to use a balanced fertilizer throughout the growing season, slowly decreasing the applied quantity towards the end of the growing season. You can choose to use either liquid or solid compost; it doesn’t matter much follow the application guidelines as stated on the product packaging.

Repotting Bonsai

Repotting Bonsai
To prevent a tree from being pot-bound and ultimately to starve to death, repotting is crucial. Re-potting your Bonsai will not keep it small it needs to grow and flourish. Fast growing Bonsai need to be repotted every two years where in the case of more mature trees need to be repotted every 3 to 5 years.

A Bonsai needs to be repotted when the roots circle the root system when sources are still contained in soil wait another year before shifting. Normally repotting work needs to be done in early spring so that if any damage occurred with it, the root system would be repaired soon in the spring and trees start growing again.

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Preeti Shah
Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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