Plants That Thrive In The Bathroom


Plants That Thrive In The Bathroom

Graphic created by Modern Bathroom.

As every plant-lover knows, there’s nothing quite like potted flowers and leaves to spruce up a home. Living plants can purify the air, add beauty, and in some cases, offer medicinal benefits. At the same time, it’s fairly common to have greenery in the living room or sunroom, one of the most underrated and ideal places to put a plant in the bathroom.

Bathroom Plants

In fact, because of the unique humidity and moisture levels of a lavatory, it can be the perfect spot for specific varieties of plants. The key is understanding which types will thrive in that environment.

With that in mind, here’s a look at some plants that love the bathroom atmosphere. Use this list to get inspired and add a new friend to your shower, window ledge, or sunny vanity soon.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Bathroom Plant

A type of succulent that doesn’t flinch at temperature swings, aloe vera is low-maintenance, easy to grow, and hardy. Please keep it in the bathroom, and you have the added benefit of a skin-soothing gel, too. All you have to do is cut open one of the leaves to reveal a substance that is great for calming burns and remedying scrapes, as well as moisturizing dry skin. For best results, keep aloe vera in bright but indirect light. If you want to see it flower in the summertime, give it a few months outside.

  1. English Ivy

English Ivy Bathroom Plant

When it comes to cleansing plants, one of the best options is English ivy. It’s already NASA’s plant of choice for just that reason. Indeed, the beauty of ivy goes much deeper than its pretty climbing leaves; this plant naturally absorbs chemicals from the air — including faecal matter.

  1. Peace Lilies

Peace Lilies Bathroom Plant

If you’re interested in adding a flowering plant to your bathroom, the white petals of a peace lily go with everything. Even better, peace lilies are low-maintenance, humidity-loving plants that don’t mind limited light. Give your regular watering to help it thrive in the restroom space.

For more ideas on which plants to keep in the bathroom, look at the attached resource. It features seven more varieties worth trying, showcasing why each is a great fit.

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Preeti Shah
Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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