The guide created by Eye Trax
Retail therapy can lift your spirits. Coming home to deliveries from an online shopping splurge can feel like a birthday. However, you might not be the only person keeping an eye out for the courier.
As online shopping gains traction across the country, emerging issues could prevent your purchases’ successful delivery. Porch pirates are thieves who steal packages from porches and doorsteps in hopes of getting a valuable item. In one study, about 24% of adults reported themselves victims of a porch pirate, and these victims, 64%, have since attempted to take extra precautions when ordering online.
Your front porch or doorstep is often at risk to these thieves when you’re not home. Without a secure area for deliveries, you might be more susceptible to theft. While it may be inconvenient to change your package’s shipping address or purchase a security system, the safety benefits could help you with more than theft. For example, not only can a video security system offer visual confirmation of when a package has arrived, but it can also give you comfort and serve as proof if you ever need to file a police report.
Porch pirates tend to scout neighborhoods that have high shipment activity to avoid notice. With the vast amount of online shopping, many package robberies go unreported, primarily because many deliveries contain items that can easily be replaced. If you are a victim of porch piracy, it’s recommended to contact the item’s seller, file a report, and implement new safety measures for your packages.
With the rise in online shopping goods, many thieves have discovered an easy way to steal items. If you are interested in more information, make sure to check out the accompanying infographic on additional tips for preventing porch pirates.