Replacing A Swimming Pool Pump


Every swimming pool has a circulation system that keeps the water fresh. One of the critical components of this system is the swimming pool pump. It acts like the heart where it pumps water to and throughout the circulation system. For it to perform this task, it has to be in good working condition at all times. However, no matter the quality or the brand of your pump, it will require to be replaced at some point.

When To Replace Your Swimming Pool Pump

When To Replace Your Swimming Pool Pump

A replacement of a swimming pool is necessary when you want an upgrade to get better performance, efficiency, and save operating cost and energy. You know it’s time to replace the old pump when:

  • It breaks down regularly
  • The motor has surpassed its lifespan
  • The repair cost is more than half that of replacing the pump
  • Its performance doesn’t meet your expectations

Replacing A Swimming Pool Pump

You need to know everything about your current pump first. Check the size of the pump, pipes and connector fittings to ensure you will buy the right replacement pump and tools.

Tools Required

To start the task of replacing a swimming pool pump, ensure you have the following tools with you;

  • A replacement pump
  • Screwdriver
  • Wire stripper
  • PVC pipe
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Junior hacksaw
  • Plumbing Connectors
  • PVC glue


Removing The Old Pump

Removing The Old Pump

Switch off power and disconnect the pump from the power source to avoid being electrocuted. Remove the end of the motor casing to access the wiring of the pump. Take note of the type of wiring panel and the wiring connection. If the panel has dual type terminal board, ensure the setting is set to 115 V or 230 V.

Before you disconnect the wiring, use a phone or camera to take several pictures of the wiring system. Having pictures of the system will give you an easy time when connecting the new pump. You will use the pictures as a reference to know where each wire goes.

Unscrew the connectors either by hand or use an adjustable wrench. Turn the connectors counterclockwise and take care to avoid breaking them. You can now safely remove the old pump if all the wires are disconnected and the connectors are loosened.

Installing The New Swimming Pool Pump

Installing The New Swimming Pool Pump

Detach the motor covering and place the new pump in the position the previous pump was. If the replacement pump has a wiring panel similar to the old one, connect the wires as they were in the old pump. However, if you have a different pump, first read the instructions on how the wires should be attached, and then set dual type terminal to the setting (either 115 or 230) similar to the previous pump. Connect the motor end cover and plumbing connections and fasten using your hand.

If you are replacing a swimming pool pump with a model different from the old one, you may need to reposition the old pipes and connectors to fit on the new pump properly. For this, you will need to use a new pipe, connectors, and hacksaw. Cut small lengths of pipe then join everything together using connectors. Apply PVC glue to hold the connectors tightly.

Testing The New Pump

Testing The New Pump

With all connections in place, your new swimming pool pump is now ready to serve. First, fill the chamber with water to avoid damaging the pump by running it on an empty chamber. Fill the water until it reaches the filtration basket and then close the cover. Connect and switch on the main power and test the new pump.

Done Replacing The Pump Of The Swimming Pool

The Best Swimming Pool Design

Is everything working as expected with the new pump? If yes, you have successfully replaced your swimming pool pump. The process is not complicated and should not take you more than half an hour to complete.

Precautions To Observe When Replacing A Swimming Pool Pump

Swimming Pool Pump

When replacing a swimming pool pump, it is obvious you are looking for something that will give better performance. You should, therefore, take your time and do thorough research to ensure you get a highly capable pump.

Choosing a new pump carefully will prevent routine repairs leading to high expenses in the long-run. Besides, swimming pool pumps are expensive investments, and you should take all measures to avoid regular replacement by finding a quality pump. If you can’t see a similar model to the one you have, then buy something that closely matches it. It will prevent making too many adjustments which can reduce the lifespan of the new pump.

The wiring part is the most tricky part in replacing a pump for a swimming pool. You should, therefore, utmost care when handling that part. A small mistake can lead to short-circuiting and destruction of the pump or worse injure yourself. If you are not sure about it, seek the assistance of a professional electrician.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. I’m glad you talked about pool pumps and how to know it’s time for an upgrade! Recently, my wife and I moved into another house, and it came with its own swimming pool. We’re very excited about hosting awesome pool parties, but we want to make sure our pool’s in good condition first, so we’ll be sure to check its pump. Thanks for the advice on checking a pool’s pump motor performance.


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