Maintaining your yard is one way to boost your home’s appeal. After all, that part of your property’s the first thing people would notice. And not only will it act as an attraction, but your yard should also complete your house’s entire aesthetic.
Remarkably, the outside deserves attention as the inside of the house, especially if you decorated your yard with nature. Because as gorgeous as it is, wildlife tends to run wild as soon as you look away for long periods.
Trees, in particular, are majestic as they are high maintenance since you need to apply various practices from when you planted its seed all through its growth—for example, pruning.
What Is Tree Pruning?
As someone tending to plants for the first time, you’ll find out how sensitive they are to various conditions. Even the slightest shift in temperature or a change in the amount of water you pour could affect their health. And regardless of their size, the same can be said about trees.
As mentioned earlier, different techniques are available to cultivate flora, pruning being one of them. Simply put, you prune trees by removing dead or damaged tree branches using shears or a saw. However, unless you’re pruning bonsai trees, it would be difficult to determine which department you should get rid of, as well as how to cut them properly.
So, if you’re not sure where to start, you can get in touch with Tree Lopping Brisbane and other tree services to do quick work with your trees.
Why You Should Prune Trees By Season
After looking up more about pruning, you might notice how highly recommended it is to do this annually, specifically each season. Although that sounds somewhat manageable, you’re probably wondering why that is.
Here are the three things to know about tree pruning:
Improves Health
Pointed out earlier is how vital pruning is in taking care of trees. Because although some species could be taller than your house, it’s still prone to diseases that, much like with people, could deprive them of life eventually.
These risk factors can be found in the following:
- Fungus
- Too little air filtration
- Pest infestation
Pruning helps you remain one step ahead of these risks. Potential problems are revealed since you or the professional have cleared out the tree’s dead (or dying) parts. In doing so, you can act on resolving them much quicker, ergo, bettering the tree’s chances for longer life. However, this depends on which season you’ve decided to prune it.
Because of how active it is around this time of year; summer pruning is the best opportunity to correct the branch’s direction. Doing so will prevent the canopy from getting too clustered while keeping branches from inflicting damage on each other. Despite this, summer pruning would hinder the tree’s flowering or fruit-bearing sequence since the cold season is right around the corner.
Preserves Quality
With you removing the tree’s ‘impurities,’ it’s easy to say how pruning can be a big help in retaining its natural charm. Because other than improving its health, tree pruning maintains a consistent quality by removing parasitic organisms that could damage the tree, such as water sprouts or suckers.
If you didn’t know, these two organisms are one of the reasons why you need to check on your tree regularly. After all, they grow from the tree itself, unlike fungus or pests. Despite coming from the same wood, you can consider suckers and water sprouts as parasites that ruin the tree’s overall quality.
While suckers steal nutrients from where it’s sticking to the roots, water sprouts are undeveloped shoots budding from the trunk or branches. Since they’re not as healthy and mature as the rest of the tree, water sprouts are more vulnerable to pests or diseases. Not only that but failing to remove water sprouts can hinder the tree’s circulation, particularly for air and light.
Now that you know some of the dangers your trees face, it is highly recommended you include regular tree check-ups in your daily schedule. Take care to bear this habit in mind. You might find it therapeutic to go outside and survey your trees, much like how people find watering their plants a breath of fresh air.
Encourages Growth
Removing the defects from the tree allows a new opportunity to grow where you just cut it. However, one of those seasons might not welcome that idea. Although fall is when the leaves change, this time of the year is when any fresh cut is susceptible to the cold.
Because it’s not so cold as to leave every living organism dormant, autumn is when pests are much more vigorous. Since winter’s fast approaching, they need to find shelter as fast as possible. Freshly pruned trees are their golden opportunity to burrow into it with how the cuts still haven’t healed yet. So, if you’re playing safe, prune during winter. This way, no pests or diseases could get transmitted.
Having trees around your property is one way to boost its appeal. However, knowing how to maintain them long enough to be bigger than your house would be difficult without knowledge about tree care. Therefore, you must learn to educate yourself about it. And one way to do so is by seasonal tree pruning.