Seven Screaming Signs That Your Home Needs A Renovation


They say that the state of your home is a direct reflection of yourself. Perhaps there’s some degree of truth to this saying. After all, responsible homeowners actively know when their abode needs due attention—and address them compulsorily.

However, the direct assaults of the weather and seasonal changes and the natural effects of wear and tear make it inevitable to perform some necessary maintenance and repairs on your home from time to time.

If you’re planning to put your house up for sale soon, you may also want to look into the possibility of changing some things here and there so you can grab the best offer in the market.

With that being said, identifying when a repair, remodel, or renovation is due is essential so you can determine the budget and be prepared for it and prioritize which areas should be completed first.

Here are the most obvious signs that your home badly needs revamping.

  1. The Floors Are Worn Out

Worn Out Wooden Floor

Your home floors are subjected to constant traffic, so if there’s one area that’ll most likely show signs of distress first, look down. Actively test for mold presence to mitigate damage caused by moisture. But when parts start coming off, always prioritize repairs.

  1. The Paint Is Chipping

The Paint Is Chipping

There is nothing like a good paint job to freshen up your home instantly. Conversely, chipping paint also makes it look dilapidated as fast. Different elements can age your walls. You shouldn’t wait for the paint to chip before you reinforce it with another layer.

  1. The House Looks Old

The House Looks Old

Do you feel like traveling back to the 60s every time you enter your home? That may be a sign that your home is dated. To each his own, but if you no longer feel inspired, it’s probably time to consider a remodel.

  1. You’re Having Frequent Problems With Drainage

Blocked Drain

If your toilet or sink keeps clogging, your plumbing system could be in trouble. Call a trusted professional to look into the problem, and have it fixed before it blows out into a bigger problem that would cost more money to repair.

  1. The Roof Leaks

Roof Leakage

Standard roof replacements should happen after fifteen to thirty years, depending on the durability of the materials used. Still, you need to actively check for minor roofing issues so these do not spiral out of control and cause a premature roof replacement, which can be pretty expensive.

  1. Your Family Is Getting Bigger

Your Family Is Getting Bigger

The arrival of a new baby may warrant a new room. Perhaps you have more things to stuff

inside the house now, and they happen to be nonnegotiable. In this case, renovating to add home space is a perfectly justifiable and logical decision to make.

  1. You Plan to Sell

Plan to Sell Home

An updated kitchen and bathroom are a good catch to home buyers and are proven to increase your chances of snagging a high price for your property when you put your house up for sale. Make this a priority after ironing out repairs.

The Bottom Line

Besides being challenging, renovations offer an excellent opportunity to modify your space and renew your motivation as a homeowner. Living in a lovely home is quite an experience and even more so when you know you’ve had the creative direction and upper hand on it.

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Jinally is a co-editor at MyDecorative.Com. She is a role model, especially in Social media Optimization in business and primary tasks, with an understanding of communicating and executing all activities related to referral searches. She works closely with the team and looks after the quality and growth of off-site factors like Social Media Marketing that drive referral growth. In addition, she analyses and creates strategic recommendations for social media promotions.


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