Six Ways To Ensure Construction Projects Are Completed On Time


Construction Projects

Construction projects require long-term planning. With such continuing goals, some things can go wrong. These circumstances make it difficult for workers to complete the project on time. Around 88% of all contractors reported a delay in or cancelation of their projects. CooperBuild as a premier general contractor in Manhattan NY has a systematic process that ensures efficient project execution that helps spot potential delays to manage client expectations.

Several variables act together for the successful completion of a plan. Missing a few deadlines can throw the entire schedule off. This situation is troublesome if the project has a date that can not be moved, for example, a move-in date.

Hence, we have prepared a list of ways construction workers can ensure a project’s smooth and timely completion.

  1. Ensure Availability Of Necessities

Employees in the construction sector are exposed to harsh conditions. It can be anything from using heavy machinery to working in extreme weather conditions. It is a fact that workers are more productive when they have all more benefits and facilities.

Facilities like restrooms and protection from extreme weather are vital to worker motivation. Climates like Portland allow construction to happen all year regardless of snow or a heatwave. It might become difficult for workers to even show up at the site if necessities aren’t provided.

Herzberg’s two-factor theory emphasizes hygiene factors that encourage employees to come to work. Their unavailability means absenteeism will be high, leading to lower output levels. Hence, begin with providing your employees with facilities that increase their convenience. For example, you can choose the best local porta-potty rental company in Portland to manage issues related to restrooms. Or hold training sessions for protection from weather and injuries at work.

  1. Take Your Time Scheduling And Planning

Planning is the initial and arguably the most vital step in construction. You can begin by dividing all tasks in order of importance and setting a date for each, for example, ordering all raw materials at the end of week one.

Doing this will give you a clearer idea of when the time is optimum for every task. It will also lay out the entire schedule for you. You can then communicate it to the team to be on the same page.

One of the scheduling issues is its accuracy. The answer to all such problems is experience and previous records. People who have worked on similar projects know how long each task takes. You can also research to see the timelines previous projects have followed.

Another strategic tool to do this is the Critical Path Analysis. CPA maps out the relationship between all small tasks of a project. It also communicates the beginning and ending date of each job. One of the best features of CPA is determining the effect of delay in one task on the others in the timeline.

It gives you a convenient path to meet your goal and lays out the consequences of missing a deadline. Doing this will make your project more efficient regarding ordering procurement, beginning building, and all other details.

You can find hundreds of Critical Path Analysis templates online. Use the one that is the most suitable for your construction project.

  1. Hire The Right People

The type of people working on your project plays a significant role in its quality and completion. Experienced employees will be able to see the plan through in a much more organized manner. They will also know all the tips to make their work more effective and efficient. It will take them lesser time to plan things and handle the logistics.

Get workers who you can trust to complete the project without micromanagement. You will not have to be present to supervise the progress every day. Ask around for references to hire the best people for the job. Such employees might charge more than the market-competitive salary, but the results will be worth it.

  1. Find Reputable Vendors

A lot of construction functions depend on external vendors. They can be anything from raw material suppliers such as handset formwork and cement to electricians. Each task relies on completing a previous one in a large construction project. You will not be able to move forward if the needed supplies have not been sent. Such instances lead to delays and inconveniences.

Reliable vendors will ensure that all goods and services are delivered on time for the project to go smoothly. Ask people about their experiences with different suppliers and choose the best one. Ensure that you communicate the schedule to them beforehand. Doing this will allow them to prepare and deliver everything on time.

  1. Use Machinery

We live in a world where almost all functions are automated and mechanized. Construction is an industry that requires the most help from such advancements. Using correct tools and machines to speed up the process is a wise thing to do.

Cranes, excavators, bulldozers, and cement mixers are a few machines necessary to complete the project on time. It may cost you more, but it will allow you to hire fewer people. Also, you have greater chances of completing tasks if you are short on staff.

For specialized lifting needs, consider efficient solutions like lifting beam rental. These versatile tools provide a safe and effective way to handle heavy loads during construction projects. By incorporating the right lifting equipment into your workflow, you not only enhance productivity but also ensure the timely completion of tasks. Investing in modern machinery and equipment proves to be a valuable strategy in meeting project deadlines and maintaining efficiency throughout the construction process.

  1. Ensure Worker Safety

Ensuring worker safety is one way to lower absenteeism. The presence of all workers will decrease the time it takes to finish the project. Getting injured on the job would mean you will have fewer healthy staff members. It will then take you longer to complete the project.

Make strict rules regarding safety gear like goggles, gloves, and helmets. These will protect the workers from harmful substances and objects. Better health means higher presence and productivity, so encourage using safety tools and equipment.


It is safe to say that the success of construction projects depends on several factors. Delays can occur due to accidents, weather conditions, and supply shortages. However, effective planning, along with its implementation, can reduce the probability of this happening.

Remember not to compromise on the quality of the building to meet the deadline. Use the best materials and employ professionals to see the plan through. But, do not leave everything to their discretion. Make regular visits to see the progress.

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Himanshu Shah is the chief marketing officer at MyDecorative.Com, and he is also a young enthusiastic writer who is gumptious and talented. He has sound analytical and technical skills. He is a blogger, Digital Marketing Expert who likes to write on home decor.


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