Storing Valuable Homegoods This Winter: Climate-Controlled Storage Is A Must!


To say 2020 has been a heck of a year is, of course, an understatement! As a result of all the change in our world, we expect many of our readers will be looking to start 2021 off in a fresh way by moving out, and one of the best ways to do that is, of course, moving to a new town and a new home. While new beginnings are always exciting, the planning and execution parts aren’t always so fun!

Storing Valuable Homegoods

One of the first challenges if you’re planning to move but don’t immediately have a new location picked out is what to do with all of your valuable possessions during that in-between stage. If you find yourself in this position, the best thing to do is find a conveniently located self-storage facility. If you’ve never heard of them before, rest assured that every town across the US has them! But be aware that not all facilities are created equal. Some obvious factors to being aware of are (1) affordability and (2) security. A quick Google search for local facilities will help you quickly answer relative pricing. And you may need to call up a few facilities to figure out how well they do security – for example, do they use 24/7 cameras? Security gates?

Valuable Homegoods

What you may not know is that it’s also critical that you choose ‘climate-controlled’ storage rather than the more common (and now historically antiquated) option of conventional storage. And that’s what we want to advise you on today!

Why Is Climate Control So Important?

Have you ever left a TV in the garage over the winter and then tried to turn it on in the spring? Did the picture never quite move at normal speed again? Did you ever leave grandma’s favorite couch in the garage only to later find the wood all warped and the fabric discolored? How about some fine china that you later find with a network of a thousand little cracks spreading throughout the dishes? (This is called “crazing.”)

When you leave valuable possessions with various common materials (electronics, wood, metal, ceramics) in a climate that’s exposed to severe swings in temperature and relative humidity, you shouldn’t be surprised to discover these unfortunate outcomes. That’s why it’s so critical to choose a facility that offers climate-controlled storage! Whether you’re looking for storage units in Phoenix, Arizona, or storage units Waterville Maine, the industry is evolving, and you will find quality providers with these updated attributes.

Look For Both Temperature And Humidity Control

Many climate-controlled storage units provide a reliable temperature range somewhere between 50 to 85 degrees all year round. This is similar to the temperature found in our homes. The excellent facilities will also regulate the units’ relative humidity levels and keep this measure below 65-70%. Without controlling for both temperature and humidity, you run the risk of experiencing mold growth on your valuable possessions; and ultimately, this is what threatens to harm them.

What Valuables Are Appropriate For Climate-Controlled Storage?

Most items are better off with climate control, but some items absolutely need it:


Certain types of clothes – for example, leather, are in danger of becoming mildewy when not properly stored. What happens when that $400 jacket you love gets riddled with mold while you stored it over the summer? It ain’t worth $400 anymore!

Furniture (Especially Wooden)

As mentioned before, Wooden furniture can get warped and also crack when moisture gets trapped. Wood can rot, as any owner of an old home can attest. Not good!


Have certain appliances you love? What about a motorcycle with an electronic panel on the dash? What about a desktop that’s too bulky to keep in your current apartment? Sorry to say it, but these may never work the same way if mold growth threats their integrity.

Closing Thoughts

If you need to store your valuables – whether for a couple of months or a couple of years – be sure to store them the right way. If your items aren’t so expensive or sentimentally important for you, then it’s fine to go with conventional storage. But if you do care about them and they fall in any of the above-mentioned categories, we think it’s always worth the extra effort and expense to go with a reputable provider of climate-controlled storage.

Do you currently rent a climate-controlled unit? We always love hearing others’ opinions and tips on how to keep your items safe. Please let us know in the comments below!

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Preeti Shah
Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. I didn’t know that a good temperature was between 50-85 degrees. I need to get a storage unit for all of my books. I need it to be cold so that the pages don’t fray.


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