The Aspect Of Marketing Intelligence In Selling Modern Day Products


Marketing intelligence refers to the standard information relevant to a company’s market space to improve performance. The information related to the business needs to be analyzed and evaluated properly to help in making marketing decisions confidently. Moreover, marketing intelligence helps a company to penetrate a competitor’s market. The five-stage consumer purchase decision process sheds light on how a shopper buys a new product. The important stage of the consumer purchase decision process is recognition of need. It is interesting to note that a consumer has to evaluate the actual need behind buying a new product in this context. Moreover, buyers nowadays are influenced by a variety of requirements. For example, one can find a range of vacuum cleaners in today’s online marketplace.

Relationship Between Product Image, Brand Loyalty And Repeat Purchase

Vacuum Cleaners

The consumer uses hundreds of brands of vacuum cleaning machines in the whole lifecycle. However, very few of these brands impress the customer by addressing their needs actually. Hence, customers are loyal to those types of brands that give them a high level of satisfaction. Brand loyalty refers to the impression that is imprinted in the consumers’ minds about the brand’s total personality. Also, brand loyalty can generate value by helping the customer process information and making the fundamental reasons to buy a product. Moreover, brand image has a positive effect on brand loyalty, which affects the selling process of vacuum cleaners. It is so because the more the brand can assure its quality to the consumer, the more loyal the customer will be to the brand. The more the customer is loyal to the brand, the more will be the chances of their repeated purchase behavior towards a particular brand. People nowadays are dependent more on the internet and gravitate towards other brands that offer value for money. This way makes it possible for the companies to improve the product image, brand name and even make the customers repeat purchases.

Evaluating The Available Techniques To Assess Response To Customers And Selection Of Competitors To A Variety Of Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum Cleaning Machine

A company has to continuously keep a tab on the pulse of the satisfaction of consumers. Also, the contact with customers provides the company with valuable inputs on where it is going wrong and in which areas it has to improve its efficiency. Hence, the vacuum cleaner manufacturing company must analyze all the available channels to record customer feedback. It is worth mentioning that vacuum cleaner manufacturing companies have to take social media websites’ help to record customer feedback actively. Also, vacuum cleaner manufacturing companies can design surveys so that customer feedback can be registered.

Moreover, the top management at the vacuum cleaner manufacturing company has to identify which customers would be interviewed in the client satisfaction program. Further, they have to make sure that they use the medium of the internet to map the reviews. Finally, the vacuum cleaner manufacturing company has to identify its competitors in the form of the attractiveness of their products. For instance, a company that manufactures vacuum cleaners will pose a high threat.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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