Top Five Tips On Buying A Poly Water Tank


Poly Water Tanks

If you are considering reducing your environmental footprint, you have likely considered water collection. Although collecting water might seem as simple as buying a tank and storing the water, you need to understand that a water tank must meet the food or safety needs of you and your family. Additionally, water is perishable in that it can harbor mold or bacteria if the tank is not of the right color or material. Finally, there are various cost factors to consider if you want to keep as much money in your pocket.

  1. Shape And Size

Depending on your intended use, the shape of a tank can vary. For instance, if the tank is intended for a small garden, you may want to consider around, squat tank as it can be placed easily under a deck. Slimline tanks are also a good choice if you only have a narrow space to place your tank.

In terms of the tank’s size, you will need to determine exactly what you will be using the water for because a tank that is too large or too small can be an expensive mistake. You will also need to consider your region’s annual rainfall as well as the location in which the tank will be stored. For help determining the right capacity for your needs, you can do an online search for Australian poly tanks to find a professional near you.

  1. Safe For Drinking

If you intend to use your poly tank to collect drinking water, you must ensure that the tank has been certified as safe. Certification can cover just the lining, or it can cover the entire tank. Additionally, it is important to understand that some tanks that have been imported might contain materials that have not been appropriately tested. Finally, as some city councils prohibit collecting water for drinking, it is recommended that you determine whether or not your area allows this practice before you invest in a tank.

  1. Materials Used

Because there are a variety of materials from which a poly tank can be constructed, the safety and durability of tanks vary. Therefore, it is important to understand the differences and how these differences might affect your final choice. For instance, it is recommended that you consider a tank that uses premium, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) as it will resist such things as rust, mold, and insects. Additionally, if you will be using your tank to collect drinking water, you should be sure that it complies with NSF/ANSI Standard 61. You should also look for a poly tank that is free of bisphenol A (BPA).

If you intend to utilize your tank for drinking purposes, you should determine if food allergens could be present within the tank. For instance, some materials used in the construction of the tank could have originated from foods that you or a family member are allergic to, such as wheat gluten, peanuts, or milk.

  1. Color And UV Protection

You may have noticed that a large portion of poly tanks are either dark green or black. This is by design, as dark colors naturally block sunlight from entering the tank. Blocking the sunlight from entering your tank is important because sunlight encourages the growth of algae. Algae growing within your tank will ultimately be sent through your filtration system, which will require you to replace the filters much more frequently.

Surprisingly, a large portion of tanks available today allow sunlight to enter. Additionally, a tank manufactured in an opaque color does not guarantee that it will inhibit algae growth. Consequently, you should look inside the tank to determine if sunlight is entering through the sidewalls. If the light does enter, the tank will most likely pose an algae problem at some point in the future.

Finally, as Australia’s climate is known to be extremely harsh, it is highly recommended that you ensure the tank you want to buy is comprised of polyethylene that was made in Australia as polyethylene manufactured in Australia contains twice the UV protection.

  1. Rules And Regulations

In addition to considering your personal needs regarding the purpose for which you will be using your tank, you should also be sure to check with your city council to ensure you are following all of the rules and regulations. There are a variety of things that you might need to consider before making your final purchase.

  • Rules Regarding Drinking Rainwater
  • Required Building Application
  • Location Restrictions
  • Height Requirements
  • Noise Restrictions On The Pump
  • Color Restrictions
  • Mosquito Prevention
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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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