Vintage Interior Design – Part 3


Comfortable Home Decor

After long age-old suffering and pondering over sessions, people have now realized the importance of renovating their home space in a way that would make them want to stay inside. Houses are no more just a dwelling that you choose to reside in. It is now more of a status symbol and forgets the status. I feel a home should be designed in a way that reflects your persona, develops an aura of livable conditions.

One only has to commit devoting a few hours of their own to decide and narrow down their thoughts on what they like the most and achieve to get the most out of the existing foundation to make it look the best. Take a few days off from work, sit indoors, dodge the powerful sun, and use the time to create a comfortable home for yourself and your family.

Vintage Look Interior Designing

Among all the available interior design options, a vintage look is gaining increasing importance in the present-day scenario. The mix and match look of the early forties and fifties, which to anyone’s surprise looks more tempting than the lavish, modern style of designing involving extravagant use of expensive décor’s inside the boundaries of your house.

Oldest Hardware Pieces

Vintage looks are both easy to achieve and execute as a final plan. Just rub your hands, get ready to snatch away a few of the best ideas, and use the creativity to obtain excellent results from the oldest pieces found in the hardware. Once the process starts, you’ll be amazed to know that even the old junk lying in the basement of your house is way too classy for the new set of your home.

Vintage Interior Designing

Usually, lighting and color patterns on the wall are the two most crucial elements of vintage interior designing. One has to be ready to splash a few extra bucks in getting the ideal lightning system that showcases each of the items displayed in the room differently, creating an edge of its own. Similarly, the use of subtle colors on the walls, teaming it up with one bold shade, can bring out the “wow” factor of your overall design style.

Vintage Wooden Ffurniture

The best wooden furniture, along with a bright-colored couch, mostly with floral prints, are the most preferable. The roofs can have designs from the colonial times carved out of plaster of Paris, teamed up with the hard wooden floors or classy mid-tone worked-out carpets lying on the ground. Together they could do wonders for your interiors. Such a setting is easy to maintain in the day to day life, perfect to live in and flaunt in your peer group, and practical enough that you can maintain the look of it year after year without incurring a huge cost of maintenance.

So if you have been brooding over the idea of designing your place for quite some time now, I guess this is the time to take up that thought immediately and get started with it!

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Preeti Shah
Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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