Why Aquabare Water System Is Perfect For Van Life?


Aquabare Water System

With the rise of remote work and telecommuting, van life and RVing are becoming more and more popular. However, when you trade in a traditional home for a house on wheels, many creatures comforts we take for granted become severe challenges. For example, getting clean drinking water can be a real challenge when you are in the great outdoors. While bottled water may be an easy option for the road when you get to your destination, you’re likely to be hours away from the nearest store, so you will need to find your water. This is where a solution like AquaBare comes in.

While hoses and wells may be found at most campsites, there are no guarantees regarding the purity of the water coming out of the tap. If you drink contaminated water, the consequences could range from mild discomfort to severe illness and even death. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, far away from civilization, in dire need of medical care because you had no way to purify your drinking water.

To meet this challenge, AquaBare systems are the perfect solution for van life. They provide you with clean drinking water wherever you park your van. The equipment is compact and lightweight so that it won’t take up a lot of space, but the results are impossible to beat. Because the AquaBare system is gravity fed, you won’t need to plug anything in or waste precious battery power from your solar devices. All you have to do is assemble the system, place it on a flat surface, and fill the upper reservoir with the cleanest freshwater you can find locally, and in a matter of minutes, you will have fresh, clean water in the lower chamber.

AquaBare’s filter elements are of the highest quality available to the general public; with private test results and ANSF/NSI certifications, you can rest assured that the water coming out of your system will be clean and pure. That being said, you should always start with the best quality water you can find. When you are far from civilization or in an emergency, you don’t want to take any chances with your health. It’s always possible that you could have made a simple mistake setting up your system at a new campsite, resulting in unfiltered water bypassing the elements and contaminating the water in your lower chamber, which could turn a simple trip into a nightmare.

The aquabare system is a 2-stage water filtration system. It includes the following elements:

Highly polished, food-grade 304 stainless steel housing consisting of 2 tanks, one upper chamber, another one lower chamber that is joined by screwing in filter elements.

Two black elements, composed of activated coconut carbon that removes thousands of contaminants commonly found in drinking water.

At Least two white PF-2 elements containing activated alumina and granular carbon which has been proven to remove additional contaminants.

The system is self-cleaning; all one has to do is rinse out the elements every few days that it is used. The black filters will show you when they need replacing by turning brown or black; this usually means that they have reached their maximum service life. There are an unlimited amount of cleanings per element. However, there is a point where chemicals present in tap water can start to interact with the inner porous surfaces of both types of filters, which reduces the purifying capabilities of each filter, making it essential to keep spare filters on hand.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


    • Dear Grace,

      Thanks for enquiring about Aquabare Water System.

      We would like to inform you that you can shot it via our partner link https://aquabare.com/shop/


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