Why Roof Cleaning And Moss Removal Services Are Important


Most homeowners focus on renovating the interior of their homes or go to full-lengths, sharpening up the garden. It’s important not to forget about one of the most important parts of your home – the roof. So, roof cleaning Wendouree plays an important role in the renovation process. You must need a professional solution for all your roofing needs, whether it be a roof restoration or roof replacement.

Making sure that your roof is kept clean and maintained will not only make it more appealing for everyone who passes by, but this can save it from a lot of damage. Removing dirt, moss, and other debris from gutters, shingles, and tiles is vital to the durability of your home.

When you hire an experienced moss removal service like the Sky Roof Cleaning company, your house is guaranteed an instant upgrade. Especially if you want to put your house up for sale, a clean housetop will attract potential buyers and increase the value.

There are many advantages to cleaning your roof; here is all you need to know about what clean shingles mean:

Different Kinds Of Debris

Roof Derby

You might think that the top of your home only contains one kind of dirt, but you are seriously wrong. Different kinds of dirt cause different kinds of problems. Not only is the top of your house exposed to wind, rain, and sun rays, but it also takes all the hit from hailstorms, falling leaves, and branches, as well as snowstorms.

Even though light to heavy rainfall can wash away most debris from your home’s shingles, many other stains will remain. Dark areas and green stains are caused by algae, moss, and fungi:

AlgaeAlgae forms in areas that are cool, moist, and under shade. It’s a naturally formed bacteria that grows out of spores. Spores are typically moved to rooftops by animals or wind. When not washed away, algae can stain roofs with a greenish-blue colorant.

MossAlthough moss has quite a beautiful appeal, it can be harmful to your shingles and tiles. Moss is a plant with an extremely shallow rooting system. It flourishes in damp areas with lots of shade. When your roof is shaded by a variety of tall trees, their branches will drop minerals and nutrients onto moss plants that serve as food.

Moss can damage and lift shingles. If not tended to, it can eventually lead to dangerous growth of bacteria and mold. When left for an extended period of time, moss can eventually create holes and leakages in the shingles.

This glistening green plant can cause degradation and serious damage if not removed.

FungiA combination of fungus and algae create something called lichens. Lichen is a slow-growing plant. They are green and grey and form a crusty substance that can grow on trees, rocks, walls, and housetops.

When not removed early on, Lichen can tear away at shingles with speed. The main reason why it causes so much damage is that it holds moisture close to the surface. The continuous moisture exposure lets the fungi seep in between the shingle’s material composition.

During cold weather, it freezes and can cause frost damage. With time, shingles bend and break. Lichen is probably one of the hardest things to remove because it completely devours tiles.

Learn more about Lichen here: https://www.burkesbackyard.com.au/fact-sheets/conservation-the-environment/lichens/.

For your rooftop to sparkle, these three things need to be removed by a professional cleaning company.

What Damages Are Caused?

Roof Damage

The different kinds of debris can damage your shingles, tiles, and even walls. By seeping through materials, it can cause your roof to deteriorate. Once it has made its way through the top, it gets into your ceiling, where it can rot away the wood.

Shingle MutilationBacteria and algae feed off of components like limestone and asphalt. Most shingles are made with a combination of these two materials. They are feasting while damaging your shingles.

Tiles on roofs can start curling at the edges when moss isn’t removed. Shingles bend and twist as moss grows through it.

BakingEven though many shingles are designed to withstand high temperatures. Heat is absorbed by these organisms. In effect, the heat is carried through to the attic. When heat is trapped between the roof and the ceiling, it bakes the shingles from the inside. This will cause cracks, breakages, and holes.

LeakagesWhen all of these organisms have made themselves comfortable in, on, and through your roof tiles, they will eventually cause leakages. Holes and cracks are formed when

Why Are Roof Cleaning And Moss Removal Important For Your House’s Longevity?

Roof Cleaning

When you hire professionals to completely remove algae, stains, moss, and lichen from your roof, it will most definitely increase your house’s longevity. Professionals have the experience and relevant equipment to make sure they get rid of all kinds of debris.

If you want to resort to a DIY cleaning process, you might end up damaging your roof even more. And although you will remove all algae and moss, it will return if you don’t use the right kind of cleaning solutions.

Cleaning companies use specific biodegradable solutions to make sure bacteria won’t return. Furthermore, they use specific washers that aren’t as strong as industrial high-pressure water washers.

Not attending to different stains and plant growths on your wall will lead to more expensive services and repairs. Making sure your roof undergoes regular clean-ups will ensure its longevity while looking sparkling new, protecting your retail investment in the long run.

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Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


  1. Thank you for this valuable information! Yes, homeowners must educate themselves about cleaning the roof. Roof cleaning not only maintains a beautiful appearance, but it also protects your investment by extending the life of the roof.


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