Epic Decoration And Design Ideas For Your Pet’s Habitat


Beautiful interior design is not only for humans, and pets might appreciate functional decorations, too. It can be a way for you to hit two birds with the same stone, as you might arrange for your pet’s cage or crate, or habitat, to work better with the overall layout of your home.

Make Good Use Of The Space Under The Stairs

Dog's Space Under The Stairs

Is the dog’s crate always in the way? There may be a quick solution to that. If your house has stairs but the space underneath to good use, model it to accommodate your dog’s habitat. This way, you will not have to worry about stumbling upon the dog’s bed or crate all the time. Plus, your house will have a more streamlined design.

Colorful Hammocks For Your Hamsters

Colorful Hammocks For Your Hamsters

Your pet hamsters might not be able to appreciate the beauty of internal decorations; even if a cool cage already houses them, they are a cool cage previously housed them. However, they would understand decorations that are highly practical, such as some beautiful hammocks.

You can make those from various fabrics that you don’t have a purpose for anymore. Just cut two squares of the fabric of your choice, sew them together, and then add some loopholes so that you can hang them inside your pets’ cage.

Get Creative With The Flooring Inside Your Snake’s Cage

Creative Snake's Cage

Snakes might sound like the last pets that would care at all about having some new home decorations added to their pen. One area where you can get creative is the flooring. Usually, paper towels will do, but here are some other ideas.

Pea gravel or orchard bark will look so much better. Also, your pet snakes might feel more attracted to the new design as it may appear closer to the conditions they have when living in the wild.

Make Your Rabbit Shed

Rabbit Shed

In case you are on a strict budget but want to offer your pet bunny excellent living conditions, you can always roll your sleeves and get ready to put a little elbow grease into making a rabbit shed. All you need are some wooden frames and a thin wired fence, and you can put together such a creation within a short time.

Cat Caves

Cozy Colourful Cat Caves

The cozy colorful cat caves can be a perfect addition to your home for your cat, which will provide a perfect napping spot for your cat. The bed is available in black and aqua, dark grey, light grey, or slate grey. Whichever color you select, your cat is sure to love their cozy new bed. This pet bed has a cave-like shape, where your furry friend will feel snug and secure.

A Beautiful Cat Tent

A Beautiful Cat Tent

If you have ever watched cat videos, you surely know the feline adage ‘if it fits, it sits.’ That said, cats enjoy having a place where they can feel protected from all sides. In case you have some old t-shirts, and you were thinking of throwing them away, don’t send them to Goodwill just yet.

One of them might make a beautiful cat tent. Besides the t-shirt, you will also need a couple of wire hangers, cardboard, tape, pliers, and safety pins. From the hangers – cut and bent – make the support for the tent.

Use the piece of cardboard to make the floor and tape the edges. Then place the two modified hangers to create a small dome on top. Push the ends through the cardboard and bend them, then use some more tape to hide them from view.

The last step is to drag the t-shirt over this construction, making sure to leave the neck hole facing one side. That would be used as a tent door by your cat. To make it look nice, you should pick some safety pins and fold the excess material so that it’s out of the way.

Final Words

You can make your life and your pets’ lives more beautiful if you apply these simple ideas. You can try out many more, so keep an eye out for handmade designs and decorations that are pet-centric.

If you want to see all pet-related stuff under one roof, from pet care advice to the best place to buy pet food, then the Pets Roof is an amazing platform.

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Preeti Shah
Preeti Shah is a person who loves checking out different styles and designs of houses. She took interior designing in college and is practicing in the field of home improvement for five years now. In her spare time, she is usually searching the web for interesting and fascinating home designs.


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